Dec 15, 2005 20:20

Ahoy me Hearties! Garrr, I just returned from a time travel adventure, and learned several important facts about History!
  • Any job worth doing is worth doing drunk.

  • If you ask someone a question nine times in a row, they will go crazy.

  • Silica Gel, the little packets in shoe boxes that are labeled "DO NOT EAT, THROW AWAY" are both edible and delicious.

  • I'm hiring for a Lackey or Sidekick again. I need someone to follow me around and take notes and basically keep me on target. Participation will help you attain catamorphic levels of fame, glory, and pestilence I mean cupcakes.

  • Choosy Pirates Choose Rum. I think I want to market a liquor called "CPR" as in "This man needs CPR, STAT!"

  • If its not inflatable, you'd better not deflate it, becuase quantum singularity is just too big for one fortune cookie. Sometimes you just

  • gotta dance. The number nine is not a prime 'cause three, plus three, plus three is nine

  • Death rays are better than lasers because lasers are really hot, whereas Death Rays are really deadly. If you fire one into a mirror, your reflection will die, but not you. (Link first had to deal with this problem in The Adventures of Link) The trick to making a death ray is combining the first three facts about History.

  • Quantum coincidences are both ubiquitous and neurocoinicidences. If you like it RAW, you'll note that even neurocoincidences become neuroneurocoincidences if you think about them.

  • Think about THAT!

  • Unordered lists. An excuse for sentence fragments.

  • A crowd, chanting in unison:

  • UL UL!!! UL UL UL!!

  • 9. the world

To some extent, Austin Osman Spare would be proud. Now THERE'S a character for Grimm and Mandy or whatever its called. Yeesh!

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