Am I the only one that's occasionally fascinated by spam? It seems to come, at times, from some surreal universe. Like, by using actual words in actual combonations, it passes through the spam filters. But those words don't make REAL sense - they're crazy words. FAKE sense.
I came upon a blog entry yesterday detailing a computer program which generates images of a field of flowers. Each flower is generated by reading a junk-mail folder. The number of flowers in the field is the number of messages in the folder. The height of each flower is determined by when each message was sent (short flowers were sent early in the morning, tall flowers were sent in the evening). Words like Nigeria or Cialis can cause a flower to bud into two flowers. What beautiful seeds these spam be.
This morning I reread Red City Blue Desert, a novelette I was working on during November: National Novel Writer's Month. The task was to write a whole novel in 30 days. I didn't even come close, but the effort I made makes some good graphiti. It's posted like 20 entries back. I really like it, I wish I got to tell more of the story before I got distracted. Not too late now, I suppose. Parts of it really need some editing.
I feel like any sentence that I begin with the word "I am" is immediately false.
I've been looking for the propper channels.
and it doesn't seem to be unlooking itself any faster 'cause of effort. Brandon just wanted to fuck off. It's a constant battle to banish the negative snake. Sometimes it gets coiled around my thoughts, and runs a blade of self-loathing through everything I do. Typically, the backreferences point at my drunkenmoments when I said something in hate that would later make me hate myself. And the mind, in these spams, goes Rewind Play Rewind Play Rewind Play Rewind Play.
I came a bit closer to picking a name. I'm quite fond of Captain Memo.
Here's a message from my inbox this morning:
Are wages so high up there at the fish house that money aint anyobject to you? Id beenhere an hour ago if it hadnt been for him. All right,you neednt tell me, if you dont want to. Dont you suppose Im as particular as alighthouse keeper? The captain flapped both hands this time. Carey took the partially carved wooden block from hispocket. What do youwant of the things, Capn Tobias? No,I suppose you cant; anyway you never have since you were oldenough to talk. And you wont tell me what it is, of course? Shes a smart woman, always was, wayback afore she was married. Wouldthey ring the meetin-house bell and send up rockets, or anythinglike that? I know she has because I can see her keepin lookoutthrough the kitchen deadlight. I know she has because I can see her keepin lookoutthrough the kitchen deadlight. If you would only stop agreeing with folks and sayno once in a while, for a change! How on earth did she know I was out here? I want to see you before the others come down. But I cant make up my mind to do it to-day. Just before I came back here he asked me what I wasintending to do with my collection. Flocks of sandpipers scurried along the beach,just above the ripples edge. I was going to agree with you, that is all. Well, you didnt expect not to be talked about, it isntlikely? I keptthose books myself once, but I was crazy about keeping em just so. On the Captainspart there had been no recognition as yet. Well, come out here any timewhen you get the cravin. Where did you buy a thing like that, Carey Judson? Tobias growled acknowledgment ofthe greeting. Im sorry, but myconscience wouldnt let me do anything else. Carey wasnot anxious to talk so he, too, said nothing. Since his return to Wellmouth he had labored hard at the books ofJ. Youre going to have a dreadful hardtime of it. Just before I came back here he asked me what I wasintending to do with my collection. Dont knowwhat twas ailed me, but twas somethin. I know she has because I can see her keepin lookoutthrough the kitchen deadlight. Were gointo drop anchor and lay up amongst Christians for the rest of ourdays. What in the blue blazes did you do that for? They were walking on again and he seized the tailof Judsons shooting jacket. Town meetings had livened up tremendously since CaptainTobias Higgins retired. What in the blue blazes did you do that for?
It's jigsaw brilliant, I'm telling you.