Dec 09, 2004 21:50
ok since im a gushy little girl im gonna talk about my man. so all of you know about him!
His name is dustin hes 17. I met him at keatons house when i was high, he was standing in the door and we both looked at eachother. So me and this other girl faught over him for a while and i kept making up excuses to sit next to him. Well i one him over and he put his arm over me. then he had to leave and we kissed, then he asked me out the next day.
funny part! Keaton asked hailey the same day, so as if me and hailey dont share enough in common, we both have boyfriends from everett, our annivesarys are on the same day, and! both our boyfriends are good friends....niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hahahhaahaha im soo happy!