pull my hair

Nov 29, 2004 18:52

Today was strange. Went back to school, and that sucked. The only part I enjoyed was starting my sculpture in art.

After school I called ol' Milt to wish him a late happy birthday. It was around 3:30, and Paul had to wake him up. (he was still in bed) haha. But I think he enjoyed the conversation. He kept thanking me for calling, so that's good. It doesn't feel the same with my older brotthhha around. haha, I miss hanging out with the guy at times. It was nice talking to him again, anyway.

Christmas is around the corner and so is my birthday. Birthdays are blah. haha. Know what I want for my birthday? Just give me a hug or something. But about Christmas, John get up with me sometime soon. We need to go Christmas shopping. I have a lot of crap to buy.

I've gotten on a big Bright Eyes kick lately. Wow..

..:Well it takes one to know one, kid, I think you’ve got it bad. but what’s so easy in the evening, by the morning is such a drag:..

At the center of the world there is a statue of a girl.
She is standing near a well with a bucket bare and dry.
I went and looked her in the eyes and she turned me into sand.
This clumsy form that I despise scattered easy in her hand.
And it came to rest upon a beach, with a million others there.
We sat and waited for the sea to stretch out so that we could disappear
into the endlessness of blue.
into the horror of the truth.
We are far less than we knew.
Yes, we are far less than we knew
but we knew what we could taste.
Girls found honey to drench our hands.
Men cut marble to mark our graves.
Saying that we will need something to remind us
of all the sweetness that has passed through us
(fresh sangria and lemon tea).
The priests dressed children for a choir
(white-robed small voices praise Him)
but found no joy in what was sung.
The funeral had begun in the middle of the day
when you drive home to your place from that job that makes you sleep
back to the thoughts that keep you awake long after
night has come to claim any light
that still remains in the corner of the frame that you put around her face.
Two pills just weren't' enough.
The alarm clock is going off but you are not waking up.
This isn't happening.... It is.

=( that's so sad.

I love you.
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