Yesterday was gay. I saw Dajita, and the twin. Bought christmas gifts.
Oh yeah, a bone came out of my ear while I was on the phone with Anthony. He says it happens to most everyone who get their ears done, yet I've never heard of that before. Icky. I guess I have one less bone in my body now. hrm...
My birthday is in two days. Yay for me. :P I hope people actually show up. D
..:just like the hearse you died to get in again:..
levi skirtxcore.
hahaha, I cut his head off. it was an accident.
hahaha, we looked really funny.
She was mad at a teacher. haha.
We're gay.
she had fallen and couldn't get up.
Isn't he the cutest baby you ever saw?
he likes cameras
a lot
Heather is one rad teacher, for sure. Why? Because she's my first cousin. }:)
My sister.. making a weird face..
this is what's going to happen to the entire earth.
I'm stupid.
The End