May 17, 2005 17:57
PULP LEVELS. ok, have you ever drank orange juice before??? sometimes its like, its like, orange colored orange flavored water. all smooth and like ach two oh, except with added sugar and flavoring. but sometimes it has pulpy stuff. like... some fruity stuff that makes the juice more thick. for example, theres water, and then theres mud. which one is thicker? if u said MUD, you are CORRECT. so you got the concept.
and then theres like no pulp, and theres lots of pulp, and theres high pulp, and theres low pulp, and theres i dont know how many other ones. there could be a not too much pulp or a something or other else so maybe theres only 4 levels.
anyways its tuesday, yknow what that means? it means PIANO ADVENTURE DAY.. dundunduunnn
ok so i was so hopeful i could ditch the stupid recital on jun 4 but NOOOO. even though i have dance from 2:30-4:30 and a homegroup thing from 5:30 to who knows when IN BETWEEN THE TIME from 4:45-5:30 i still have to show up at the recital. and the recital is from 3-5 or 3:30-5:30 so that means im sort of at the endishh and only good people go in the end like natasha dagys and taro naoi :O and you know, people like that. people who either play billion paged songs or play so perfectly that you think they're robots. and needless to say, i suck butt. so usually i go beginningish/middleish like the "intermediate" people but then the piano teacher wants to squeeze me into the recital anyways to look like shes got more students or something. last time i went it was so sad... it almost didnt matter what happened to u because u were in a puny room and barely anyone was there. so yeah.
so sad.... im playing like level 4/5/6 ishh songs and then piano teacher is trying to make me do tons of reps so that it looks like a longer song when its really not. and she thinks im level 8 when im really level 9 and i was insisting i was level 9 and she wouldnt believe me. and when she was halfwayish persuaded shes like why are you playing these simple songs? garshnessi have no clue its mostly her who picks the songs. she makes you think u actually have a choice in the matter but u really dont. and then she wants me to play my CM song sonata because its more level 9ish and then i said no its ok. im playing this REALLY easy beethoven song its almost funny and a sort of easyish schubert song except that my hands feel sore after playing and i have to play TWICE because its only one page long hahah. meanwhile, my brother actually plays level 10 songs in the recital, in addition to practicing my chopin song so much it pisses me off.
and no matter how easy my songs are, i find a way to mess up. its been a LONG LONG time since i havnt messed up at a recital. there just is something unnerving about playing piano in public.
did u remember to vote MANDYPANDY for LOSER and PINKY for VICE LOSER and ALEX for RETARD??? hope ya did!