
Apr 15, 2006 14:31

Okay, this is going to be one of those soppy-ass journal entries about how much l love him and why so if you don't want to hear it, then stop reading now!


Where to start?

He's perfect. A little rough around the edges, but he's perfect. Perfect for me.

He cares so much. He loves seeing me happy and tries to make me laugh when l'm down.

He gives me a kiss when l see him, and a kiss goodnight everynight.

He holds me while we watch tv, movies or while we just lay in bed.

He's adorable in everyway possible.

He spoils me rotten, but says that l'm worth it.

He's so gentle with me, his touch is so soft.

He calls me his angel, and bought me angel wings and a halo so l can wear them.

He apparantly talks about me all the time while he's working.

We have "our song" and no, l did not pick it. The only reason why l would say its our song is because we both have it as our ringtone, and we didn't even plan it that way. We still have that same ringtone, American Idiot by Green Day.

He offers to pick me up from work when he can.

He always takes my bags if they're too heavy, even when they aren't.

He was the first out of both of us to utter the words "l love you" to one another.

He may work at a stupid place called Woolworths, but l am so lucky to have him. He accepts me of who l am, enjoys being in my company and he makes me laugh.

He attempted to make me a chocolate rose for Easter, which turned out to be a disaster and didn't work, but the thought was there and thats all that matters. It was a lovely thought and l can't believe he'd go to all of that trouble for me. He asked people at his work how he would go about doing it, but it just didn't work for him.

He buys me flowers for no reason at all. "Because l love you" is the reason he gives.

Last weekend, he picked a huge bunch of flowers for me, he picked each flower out seperately and put them together.

He bought me some fake flowers, so when the ones he buys every now and again eventually die, l still have something to put into my vase.

He's a show-off, but l think its cute.

He has uber sexy arms and shoulders that l completely melt over.

Over the long weekend over Easter, he wants to spend as much time with me as he can. For three of the four days we are going to be with each other for hours and hours.

We have very similar interests, similar taste in music although our tastes in tv shows are quite different, except we both love the simpsons!

We want to go away and spend a week together in winter at the snow and then a week in summer near the beach in a beach house.

I know he won't hurt me. Don't tell me that l don't know that because l do know it. He's so caring and his luck with relationships have been bad (girls leaving him for no reason, cheating on him etc.) and he's done nothing wrong by them. He's just been there for them, cared about them and loved them, except they didn't do the same back.

I feel sorry for him, because of what those girls did to him, but l'm not going out with him because l feel sorry for him. I believe he deserves to be cared about and loved, and l'm going to try and do that to the best of my ability. I want to show him that not all girls are like that.

I feel so safe when l'm around him.

He schemes little schemes about things he's going to do for me/buy for me etc.

He's got a naughty side, which l didn't see when l was just his friend, and l love this side.

He's going to buy me a little devil outfit - see, told you he was naughty!

I can't believe how lucky l am to have him. I don't know why we didn't do this sooner, but either way l'm very happy. He makes me feel special and l don't deserve it.

He's a "keeper". If l do anything to stuff what we have up, l'll never forgive myself. I know me, and l know l won't. By keeper, l mean l want to keep him for as long as l can.He's mine and l'm his.

He's the ideal boyfriend l've always wanted. He puts up with me, with my grumpiness and foul moods at times.

Anyways, thats all l wanted to say. Now, if l ever have any kind of doubt in him or our relationship (which l highly doubt), l can look back at this entry, read it again and again and remind myself just how great and wonderful he is. I also wanted to put this up because he means a lot to me and l wanted to share that with everyone.

I love him so much.

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