Sep 21, 2005 21:08

I am in a hotel in warrenton VA right actually pretty bored and just sitting here by myself because i am not tired enough to go to bed. If you haven't guessed by now, i have a horseshow this week and thats why im am in this hotel room.
Im watching CNN and realizing what a crazy day its been in this country. There is an airplane in CA that has to make an emergency landing because its landing gear has malfunctioned, hurricane Rita is a category 5 and threatens to eff up galveston, TX, and there is a huge tornado on the ground in minneapolis....WIERD. I dont know whats going on, but come on weather get yourself together! stop tourturing people please. this just in: hurricane Rita is now the 3rd most intense hurricane in history. whooptie effing-doo for you rita. you are a bitch. I hope everyone in all of these wierd incindences are okay.
someone call and entertain me, please.
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