Ben, most people would turn you away...

Jan 12, 2005 01:43

I'm still concerned about Wally not being around. Not really sure who to get ahold of. Hopefully I'll figure out who to contact tomorrow.

I've been spending far too much time with the rats beating myself up for things I know by now aren't my fault. Geez, you'd think I'd get over it. It's the time spent in prison that makes it hard. The names, the suspicions, the savage beatings.

It's make you think all kinds of things. Like what is the point in being good or being alive for that matter. When everything's gone and even if you get out of the dark, you're not going to be going home again. Because your parents were slaughtered.

Patrolling was uneventful thankfully. I hope nothing catastrophic happens before Wally shows up again. Maybe he went off in search of really good coffee? And although I suppose I shouldn't have, I did stop in on the Rogues. Wrong or not, I am surprised that Cold is I don't know if it's good, but there's almost something comforting in seeing someone who knows who he is and is fine with it. Because I guess that's what I find myself missing. That sense of comfort with who I am.

I don't know why I want to make my peace with the Rogues. I guess because I wish I could have fit in there. I wish I could have fit in somewhere. I hope Wally gets back because God, I'm turning into a freakin' angst-monkey! And with all the rats, I might well change my name to Willard and sing the "Ben Song" from dawn til dusk.

Ugh. Shouldn't have mentioned the song. I might be singing it to myself for the rest of the night.

Just how many times did I mention Wally's name in this entry? Good grief. I need a boyfriend.
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