Name: Erin
Age: 18
Location: Los Angeles, Ca
Hobbies: tennis, photography, piano, writing, reading, surfing, skateboarding, dancing, video scavenger hunts, watching movies
Top 10 bands: Her Space Holiday, Augustana, Radiohead, Q and Not U, Pretty Girls Make Graves, The Red Light Sting, The Blood Brothers, The Moldy Peaches, The Cure, Beck
Top 5 movies: Trainspotting, High Fidelity, The Parent Trap (with Haley Mills), Kill Bill Vol. II, Posession
Top 3 books: The Awakening by Edith Wharton, The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand, The Beautiful and Damned by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Food: Rice bowls!
Top 3 TV shows: Dharma and Greg, Curb Your Enthusiasm, The OC
Actor/Actress: Johnny Depp/Gwenyth Paltrow
Other things...
Tell us about your style..: My style is pretty eclectic. I get my clothes from all over the place. I really love shopping in China Town and Buffalo Exchange.
Tell us a joke.: There are three kinds of people in this world: Those who can’t read, and those who can’t count. (Ha, yeah, pretty funny...)
Why do you think you should be in this community?: Because I’m a doer, not a watcher.
War: Last night right near where I live a cop was shot and killed, and two gang memebers killed each other right in front of a little league game, and another family was informed that their son wasn’t coming home from Iraq. Violence on so relatively small of a scale is very disturbing to me, and it just convinces me more and more that war is a horrible things and should be avoided if at all possible.
Abortion: I personally don’t think I would ever have one, but I have never been faced with the choice so I couldn’t say for sure. Despite my personal conviction though, I think that we live in a free country that should give women the right to make their own decisions.
Homosexuality: I don’t think people should be judged by their sexual orientation.
Smoking/drugs/alcohol: I’m not down when they are done in excess. If it’s in control it’s not that bad. But I am not a fan of addictions or hard drugs.
Suicide: The thought of a person being so lonely, scared, sad, or angry that they would take their own life breaks my heart.
Self harm: Seems to be very popular right now... Which is weird, maybe I just was never around people who did it before, but it seems like so many of my friends are right now. I can understand how it feels to want to do that though, but it’s so unhealthy.