Mar 11, 2004 04:27
To Stacy,
Please stop being so annoying. I am unsure if this is due to you're late night shifts, erratic sleeping habits, or just over viewing of anime, but you are driving me insane. In fact, please stop talking to me all together.
For starters, I do not like to post in this stupid journal thing. So cease your incessant botherings for me to do so. I have far more important things to do then this!
Secondly, I don't wish to remenescent with you of my previous adventures. I could care less if you've downloaded a movie you've yet to see or if I was brainwashed in it or what! Just stop! I. Don't. Care!
Nor do I care for you stopping by every ten hours to get me to look at your site because you have a new icon made, or art picture uploaded. The last thing I wanna look at is a flash animation of Vegeta. Have you any taste at all?
And finally...stop telling people we go on ice cream dates. I have never enjoyed ice cream, nor enjoyed it in your company. You are likened to a stalker, and I have had enough of it.
Now just leave me alone!