Anyone have any interest, or know anyone who might, in creating a very simple website for the Florida Film Critics Circle? No pay, only the profound honor of helping me, the new chairman!
Well, as long as you don't want it updated too often, and you're willing to handle the billing and securing of the domain on your own, I can probably do it for you.
OK, first thing you have to do is decide what it is (exactly) you want your site to do. One of the frustrating things web designers experience often is that the client often knows what they DON'T want, and only knows what they want after they see it. You know, basically a cocktail napkin with the word "website" on it, that someone will try to pass off as a project plan. So basically, you need to state what it is that you want on your site, content-wise. Also, it might be helpful to cite a few other sites as examples of what you want yours to look like.
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