Stolen from
natushka Are you a book lover? A TV freak fangirl? A movie aficionado? Put your mind to the test, and list some of your favourite fictional characters - one for each letter of the alphabet.
A - Aeryn Sun (Farscape)
B - Buffy Summer (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
C - Chloe O'Brian (24)
D - Doctor, The (Doctor Who)
E - Edgar Stiles.. or Styles... or something... (24)
F - Fred Burkel (Angel) - nicknames count... right??
G - Gwen something or other (Torchwood)
H - Harry Maybourne (Stargate SG-1)
I - Ianto (Torchwood)
J - Jack Harkness, Captain (Torchwood/Doctor Who).... or Bauer (24).... or O'Neill, Colonel (Stargate SG-1).... or Sparrow, Captain (Pirates).... or Shephard, Doctor (Lost).... Or Crichton (Farscape) *And because Jenny pointed this out before, it's as in Johns FATHER*
K - K-9! (Doctor Who) lol... does that count? Well... since he's not ACTUALLY alive... Karen Hayes. (24)
L - Linderman (Heroes)
M - Moya (Farscape)
N - Nina Myers (124)
O - Owen (Torchwood)
P - Pip (Farscape) - As in Chiana's that allowed?? Haha.
Q - Quinn Mallory (Sliders)
R - Rose (Doctor Who)
S - Sam Carter (Stargate SG-1)
T - Tony (24)
U - Urgo (Stargate SG-1)
V - Vala (Stargate SG-!)
W - Wesley (Angel/Buffy)
X - Xander Harris (Buffy)
Y - Yu, Lord (Stargate SG-1)
Z - Zhann (Farscape)
Phew! That was hard!! And I got a tiny bit of help on one or two from Jenny, who watches WAY more tv then I do..