(no subject)

Dec 18, 2006 07:12

I was going to do the massive end of year update with the whole reflecting on things thing, but really, what's the point??

I know what I've learnt this year, and believe me, I've learnt LOTS!  There is no point dwelling.  Things are doing very well at the moment, and not in a random moment of highness because I saw John Barrowman Skating on Ice over the weekend.

Things are, in a general sense, really good.
Not to say I don't HAVE any problems, but life can't be perfect, and they are only little things that I can manage.

OOh, but speaking of Random Highness,  I GOT MY JOB!!!!!!!  YAY!!  Had the interview on Monday last week, THAT wasn't fun!  *nearly died from nerves*  BUT, Walshy, the boss, came and told me on Wednesday!  Teehee!  I mean, it doesn't really mean anything, because I'm gonna stay in town until the end of Jan anyways, but you know, it's nice to know that if the guys in town DO get sick of me, I've always got some place to go.

I watched the first episode of Heroes.  ......  That was weird.  *scratches head and wonders about the appeal*  EXCEPT, that Chris (Nine!Doctor) is gonna be in season two! *g*

OMG I'm loving Torchwood!~  *will do spoierly updates later when work isn't threatening*

I've got three days left of work, and then I'll be on holidays!!  We're leaving for the beach on the 21st and won't be back until new year!!  YAY!  *will try to get all the fandom squeeing out of her before then or it may rot in her brain*

For anyone I DON'T talk to between now and when I leave, have a GREAT FANTASTIC SAFE CHRISTMAS, AND A WONDERFUL NEW YEAR!

And don't do anything I wouldn't!!

heroes, life, john barrowman

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