(no subject)

Apr 03, 2005 17:26

Just got an sms off of Faith...

She's pushed my moving date back another weekend.  I went out today and got pots and pans and everything like that.  I have no where to put them...  not for two weeks.
My mother is already trying to kill me with all the crap I have lying around.  My bed, the boxes.. my room is such a mess.

I'm so completely pissed off that I've gone completely calm.  I can't allow myself to get really worked up about it or I'm going to throw something out of the window.  Or break down into tears of frustration.

She hasn't even told me why.  I was on the phone to her on friday... I had this massive realization that I really don't like the person she's become.  Like, I've had really disjointed dealings with her in the past.  We've still been 'friends' but it'll be months inbetween say, a coffee at lunch or whatever, so I hadn't really gotten to know the 'Adult Faith' before.  It's only been since the beginning of this year we've gotten to know each other again... and she's so.. un-like she was before.  She's not the sort of person  I would really want to surround myself with.. and now I'm moving into the same house with her.

I've been sitting asking myself if this is really what I want.  I'm so scared at the moment... I wonder if this is some sort of omen.  A sign to tell me I shouldn't do it.  How silly do I sound?  But I don't want to do this.  I'm terrified.  I don't want to be on my own.

house moving freakout

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