(no subject)

Oct 02, 2009 22:09

I have found a new love of my life.  It's name is Flashfoward.  OMG.  This show is made of some much epic, and I've only SEEN 2 episodes.  *has so much love*

So much has been going on, real life wise, and most of it good....

So first of all, the whole house moving thing.  My sister owns the house I'm renting right?  And the banks tell her she has to sell.  Now she doesn't want to sell, so she puts it on the Market at some rediculous over market value, thinking no one in their right mind is going to pay that much.

And naturally, someone did.  So I have until November 15 to move out.  The very awesome news is that Jenny's going to move out with me!  YAY!  We're currently looking for a place on the South Side, half way between her mum and mine.  I'm very excited.  I think we're going to make awesome roommates, and it'll be nice not being on my own anymore.  Laura - Kelly's old roommate - was going to move in with me here, until we found out about the sale... now she's decided to stay on the Gold Coast.

Work is going okay.  I'm still with Licensing - everytime Wageline threatens to take me back, Mark, bless him, finds me some more work.  If I can hang on until Christmas, Ange is going on Maternity Leave...  I have high hopes for myself.  Lol.

My brother bought a house today.  An actual house.  I'm extremely jealous and very proud of him all at the same time.  I never thought he'd do it.  I hope him and his girl make it - he's a prat sometimes, but he doesn't deserve the bad that will happen if he breaks up with her after they've got this house between them.

I went to Sydney the other week!  Jeffa and I went to the zoo and then went and saw Wicked.  OMG, it was so good.  I might even say it was better than London's wicked, honest to god.  We were there during Sydney's epic dust storm though, so woke up the Wednesday morning to a blood red sky.  That was kind of scary.  I got to hang with Jules and Faith though.  That was really lovely.

I'm crushing Aaron in a big way at work.  One day, I swear to god, I'm going to ask him out.... soon... I promise......  *eyes dart in several different directions*

I'm not sure there is much else.  I helped put together this years annual Band TBar trip, and except for my panic attack about 4am Sunday morning, it went off without a hitch.  I even managed to behave myself.  *G*

flashfoward, house moving freakout, holiday fun!, work, band

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