*runs in like a crazy person*
I'm so excited!! YAY! Omg, September is like the best month EVER!
Omg I'm wrecked though. I only got back from our band tour in Toowoomba a few hours ago. I've had like five hours sleep, plus the three hour drive, plus the whole stressing out in the morning 'cause I was SURE I'd screwed everything up.... but you know... MERLIN!GLEE!!
Since this years break was one of the LONGEST in history (or at least, felt like it) I can't even remember how the last ep of Merlin went. Or, even, when it was that I watched it. But I'm sure everything is as everything was - I would of remembered if Arthur had expressed undying love to Merlin Morgana. He is gonna get with Morgana right?? 'cause Gwen is totally all Merlin's!
Oh GUH. Arthur, SLEEPING, without a shirt. If the earth opened up and swallowed me whole right now, I would die happy.......
Merlin runs through the door (I shall make no mention of WHY Merlin is within earshot, when he's got a room of his own in another building) and I'm struck suddenly by how young he looks... Innocent and boyish, you know, where as Arthur is all..... princely....(I realise this is probably the effect they were going for... and I'd just like to point out that it's worked)
You know, if a whole bunch of grown men came running out of a dimly lit passage, screaming like the devil himself were on their tail... I'm not sure if I would be inclined to go an investigate.... you know?
I would just like to take this moment during the opening credits to mention, in case no one was aware, how unbelieveably hot Colin Morgan and Bradley James are. I'm just sayin'.
I get it's part of the show, but I never did like Arthur treating Merlin so poorly... but this fellow, Cedric.... *rolls eyes* Merlin saves Arthur's life, ends up picking up after the other man for the rest of his days. Cedric saves his life and gets a CHOICE. Figures.
Yay for Morgana and Gwen! I have so much girlfriendship non lesbian glee for them!!
How does anyone NOT see that Cedric is scary beyond all reason?? The guy is CREEPY. And Arthur pulled him off the street and suddenly he's going to let HIM be within earshot of his bedroom while he's sleeping?! Way to go on the security, Princeboy. It's all a little too conveniate you know?? .... I'm still in so much love.
One assumes, since Merlin can throw spears at charging boars and slow down time enough to raise a shield to stop Giaus from being shot by a speeding arrow, that he could unlock the cell doors all on his onesome, instead of standing there like an idiot calling out for a guard that has no doubt run home to save his family at the first call of "Giant gargoyles attacking the castle."
..... and then he goes blowing the door from it's hinges. So much for a simple 'unlocking' - drama much? Lol. I do hope they haven't spent their entire special effects budget on this one ep.....
I am completely and utterly against Gwen and Arthur tension. I refused to believe it exists.
I do still love that even though Arthur is a prat to Merlin, he is still by FAR the better person when next to his dad. Arthur is going to make a very awesome King... it gives me goosebumps whenever he talks about his duty. Too many fantasy books, I'll bet... but you can always pick the ones destined for greatness. (there is a small voice in the back of my head telling me if Arthur is to become King, Giles!King is going to have to die.... that's not a good thought)
Someone will need to explain to me the use of the term "Clot Pole" (one word or two?!)
Teehee. Okay, so it wasn't one of their best... but *glee* Merlin. I am happy.