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Jul 17, 2009 07:59

I've been neglecting Eljay horribly lately....

I had an AWESOME birthday last friday...   My sister and her kids came down without telling me and surprised the crap out of me, which was awesome, and then we took them ice skating.  Teehee.  They've never been before, it was awesome watching them learn. 
Saturday we did the big family bbq at my brothers place, followed by much drinking, guitar heros, Halo3 and poker.  :D
And then on Sunday we all got up REALLY early for breakfast with the fam.  Ugh.  It was lovely though.  It's not often my entire family gets in the one spot.

My cousin Allison has swine flu, and her son Josh has swine flu, asthma and pneumoia.  He's in the hospital.  We're all more than an little bit worried.

But *glee* 'cause we got new music last night at Band, and we're totally playing the theme from JAG!  OMG it's SO AWESOME.  I have loved this music since I first started watching the show...  it was the ringtone on my phone for the longest time.  I'm so tickled.

Off to see Harry Potter tonight! YAY!  I'm actually REALLY excited.  Jeffa and I rewatched all the other movies over the past two weeks... it's going to be epic!

I should probably go and do that working thing now... I shall do a Torchwood update soon... I've watched the 3rd ep and *GASP*! 

worried, movies, birthdays, jag, torchwood, band

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