(no subject)

May 12, 2009 10:18

Okay, so it's travel day!!  I continue to be excited and sick and scared and sad and happy all at the same time. 
Which, basically translates into being completely numb.  lol.

When I get home, and sort out my photos, I will totally do a huge post about what I got up too over the past two weeks.  'cause there was SO MUCH.
I did Paris Thursday and Friday, and OMG, not knowing any French?  REALLY HARD.  lol.  Even ordering Macca's.  *g*

I'm all packed.  I hope to GOD I'm not over my kg allowance.  I'm a bit worried.  My room is clean, I'm just waiting for Tamara... she'll help me lug ALL of my crap to Heathrow.

I have four hours to wait in New Zealand, so hopefully I can finally start to catch up on some teevee... lol.  ALthough I have watched House.  *has total glee moment*

Wish me luck everyone!!  See you on the other side!

house moving freakout, london

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