(no subject)

Mar 20, 2009 16:16

I really do hate to keep coming on here and complaining, but honestly....  I have kick ass computer skills, I can construct full sentences, my handwriting is (somewhat) legible, and I've got all my teeth.
Is it THAT HARD to find a job to employ me in?!  Really??

I went for an interview today and didn't get it 'cause I didn't have 'expert powerpoint' knowledge.  My recruiter is nice though, that's something... unlike the last one.

I've been watching Back to the Future.  I'm on the third one...  this show calms my soul.

I'm also running out of episodes of Chuck.  This makes me sad.  Chuck is awesome.

And I'm completely and UTTERLY dreading the final of BSG tomorrow...... *quiver*

job hunt 09, bsg, chuck

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