(no subject)

Mar 16, 2009 11:44

I don't think I've done a running commentary for an ep of Battlestar yet.  I wasn't going to watch this weeks ep.  I was going to save it, so I could watch the last three eps all in a row....
....but the few people I've spoken to have all told me to watch it....

So here goes.

Haha.  So opening credits start, and I'm all *gasp* at the number of survivers 'cause I watched the mini recently and there was 50,000 back then.....  and then I close my eyes, ready for the drum beats.... and they don't come!

Why am I so incredibly depressed seeing Laura with her 'sisters'.  Like.... omg awwwws.  I think you totally don't really remember anymore that these people used to have LIVES before Caprica blew up.  It's really distressing....

Okay. GUH.  I KNEW Lee had to cut his hair.  He looks SO CUTE.  And I love Starbuck with short hair too.  Omg they are both adorable.  Starbuck cooking is kind of giggle worthy though.  She never struck me as the type.

.....Now I'm even more depressed for Laura.  :(  I mean... really.   *sniff*

A total yay moment for Adama's love for Starbuck.  There is this whole thing going on with Gaius, but I feel no need to write about it...  I'm so completely over that man.

Lolz for drunk Lee chasing a pidgeon....  *glee*

Omg.  The look on the Admirals face when he saw Laura.  It just....  it was just gorgeous.  It just melted from 'Admiral face' to 'Omg woman I love!' face.  That was just beautiful.

Oh dear god.  Lets go next week.  This is really going to end with a bang.  I dont' really want to watch.... *quiver*


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