(no subject)

Jan 08, 2009 13:56

A meme I stole off 04nbod  .  Because I am bored.

1. When did you start watching?

Oh dear.  Around October, 2006

1a. Why?

My mother saw it on UKTV, and was all in love with Chris... so she drags me on to the couch and forces me to watch it.  And I'm all, "It's Doctor Who!  It's GEEKY!  I'm not THAT geeky...."

2. What was your first Episode?

Aliens of London.  My mum though if I watched 'Rose' first, I'd think it was boring and not give it another chance.

3. Which Episodes have you seen?

Every thing to do with the New Who.  From Classic Who, I've seen An Unearthly Child, The Deadly Assassin, The Five Doctors...Timelash... I think that's it...

3a. Favourite?

That's hard... Can I pick a fav from each season?  Lol. 
Season One: The Empty Child/Doctor Dances
Season Two: School Reunion (and New Earth, just because)
Season Three: Blink.  And The Sound of Drums
Season Four: .... yeah, Okay.. All of season four just rocks.

4. Are your friends/family into the show?

Well, mother got me watching it.  My little sister enjoys it on odd occasions.  Most of my closest friends love it to death. :D

5. Which Doctor is your favourite?

Ten!  *snuggles David*

6. Which Doctor is your least favourite?

I dunno.. there is something about Seven Doctor.. he creeps me out.  Just the look of him...

7. Which Tv companion is your favourite?

Rose (and K9)

8. Which Tv companion is your least favourite?

I can't comment on the classic Who companions... so.. it has to be Martha.  (sorry honey!)

9. Do you listen to the Big Finish Audios?

Yeah, I've heard a few... it's just not the same.

10. Have you listened to any non-Big Finish Audios?

I've listened to David Tennant reading the Audio Books... they are amusing.

11.  Have you read any of the novels or short stories?

Only one.. The Resurection Casket... I wasn't all together impressed.

11a. Have you written any of the novels or short stories?

I write fanfic.. does that count??

12. Have you read any of the comics?


13. Do you watch any of the Spin-offs? (ie. Torchwood, Sarah Jane)

I love Torchwood.  To bits.  I watched the pilot of Sarah Jane, but it didn't really grab me.

13a. Which is your favourite?

Sar... I mean, Torchwood.

14.  Is there any particular episode/book/audio/comic you desperately want to watch/listen/read?


doctor who, meme

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