(no subject)

Jul 13, 2008 21:16

"I don't have to conform to the vagaries of Time and Space, I'm a looney for god's sake!  Ooh look!  A full moon!"  *starts howling*
(the great mystery of The Doctor is finally resolved.  He's not a Time Lord.  He's just a looney - AND PROUD!!)

Lolz.  I am completely, utterly and hopelessly in love with Takin' over the Ayslum.

David Tennant is a wee lad at the age of 23, he looks about 19... I'm in love with his hair, his infectious grin, his scottish accent and the absolute simplisity of the story...  I'm actually waiting for some giant tragedy to befall the whole thing, I'm halway through Ep 4 of a 6 part series...

It's just brilliant.


david tennant

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