Apr 21, 2008 20:49
OMG I had a total win moment tonight!!
So I'm getting ready for Tae Kwon Do - REALLY don't want to go, feeling lazy, but you know, buck it up, go anyway. Get to the car park, running late 'cause I had to wait for my download to finish so I could shut my 'puter down...
In the carkpark, can't seen the Senior Instructors car. How odd.
Get to hall. Can hear them already warming up. Oops. Walk in.
The Master Instructor - THE big boss of the club - is stretching in the corner. I swear I almost fell over myself when I noticed him. Geezes.
I unobstrusivly slip into the warm up - I bet he didn't notice. I train. No biggie.
AFTERwards, he's all, "Right, who wants to board break." Me, in a giant moment of stupidity, say "Ooh! Pick me! Pick me!"
I haven't attempted to break a board since my EPIC fail with it the last time I went for my black belt - over a year ago - when you know, I DIDN'T break said board (after managing it quite flawlessly the night before) and therefore didn't get my back belt.
Anyways. So I do a few practice kicks. My side kick against the pad has been pretty much flawless since the FIRST time I went for my black belt. (that was something like THREE years ago)
I line up against the board. Breathe deep. Big boss is standing RIGHT there.. I ignore him. Launch myself at the board.
It doesn't break, though the guy holding it stumbles back.
After a few words from the IM - "Stop messing around now. Break it."
I nod. Line up. Breathe deep.
Boards slice cleaning in two like they were made of butter and I nearly fall ass over tit against the guy holding the board. I straigten up and glance at the MI, who smiles at me.
"See. Easy."
I nod. I bow. Thank you. Stumble back, trying not to let on that my smile is about to break out of my face. I turn, Jenny is standing at the back of the hall and I share a split second OMFGIDIDIT! moment with her, before turning back composed to watch Mel try.
Teehee. I'm just so god damn HAPPY! Not only did I break the frelling thing, I broke it in front of HIM.. *dances around*
I'm SO going to do it this time!!
tae kwon do,
moments of joy