Apr 17, 2008 21:05
Okay... so I'm going to give the Torchwood review a try.... I think I can handle it now...
(but since I can't really type properly.... this should be interesting)
I'm going to try to do less of a rambling play by play.... and more just some thoughts...
There was alot about this ep I didn't like, and not the obvious "Owen and Tosh" dying thing, for while that REALLY depresses me, it was done amazingly, and was so heartbreaking and sad and brilliant, and if they DO have to kill people off (which I hate) I'm happy for them to do it in such a good way...
But things like Capt'n John (who shall hereby be known as James) who felt terribly under-used and ended up being a bit of a pansy... Although, like I pointed out at one stage, sides from the throwing Jack off the roof thing, he wasn't 'that' evil in KKBB, (he could have kiled Ianto, but instead let the eyecandy off to save his friends) and it was his misguided love for Jack that got him into the most trouble.
So many things wern't explained enough to keep me happy. I felt the ep should have been stretched out FAR more... maybe delt a bit with Jack's reaction to his brother return... you know, a bit of, "Yes your evil but I want to redeem you 'cause I have guilt" thing... and THEN have Jack make that OMG decision that he hasta kill freeze his brother...
Waking up after how ever many years I'd decided it was and being all, "I forgive you" was so lame.
In fact, if you want my opinion (and even if you don't, while reading this you're going to get it) it kind of felt like they just hurried through the whole Gray/James storyline to make room for the Tosh and Owen goodbye...
Some bits I LOVED in this ep. Tosh and Ianto at the beginning killing those guys?
"There we are then."
*cracks up* SO funny.
James shooting Jack with those two automatics... I was all *gaps* hand over mouth! SO good.
"Sing along! It's our song!"
"We don't have a song. And if we did have a song, it wouldn't be this song."
And seeing him in chains. *guhs* Although, back in the singlet top would have been nice.
"What? Suddenly you're anti bondage?"
RHYS and ANDY! OMG! SO much love!!! They were brilliant. *snuggles them both... but not together*
"I'm keeping more secrets then you'd ever believe."
"Oh yeah? Like what?"
"Like a time agency based in Cardiff!"
"Brilliant secret! I ask, you tell. Well done."
"Pretty impressive, my girl."
"Yeah... she is that. You lucky sod."
Everyone is all like, "OMG Jack should be insane after THAT long underground" but Jenny has this theory that since Jack would wake up with dirt in his mouth, he couldn't get any air.
No air = no higher brain function.
No higher brain function = no consciousness.
So even though his body kept reviving, with no air to the brain... he probably wasn't aware of half of it. Which... makes a bit of sense.
I still think the whole buried alive thing was a bit stupid. Personally.
"Quite a queue for the hugs."
"Always has been, always will be."
*snuggles for Ianto missing his man*
Okay...so Tosh and Owen. Geeze.
You know, I hated Owen from about ep 10 of season 1... he'd sort of irritated me to begin with, but when that chick showed up and he dropped Gwen, I hated him.
All through season two, they'd started to chip away at my hate. I was starting to tollerate him. I might have.. maybe.. even liked him.. a smidge.
After Fragments, I forgave him all his sins. That ep made me realise he was an ass for a good reason, and I decided it wasn't his fault and he didn't deserve my hate.
And then they fucking well kill him off. I mean, COMMON!
Tosh I never really cared too much about. Love her, hate her.. she didn't register much... I didn't like her crushing Owen 'cause I didn't like him... but since I'd started to get to know him better (haha) I was okay with her liking him...
So yeah.. their last moments together... I cried. Both times... The fact that they died together... yet were both completely alone... The what ifs and the if onlys and the fact that it was Owen being an ass they prevented their relationship...
"Do you want to watch the dead man die again?"
"Owen... just stay calm."
"Ohh, why should I do that?! Where's the fun in that?! I'm going to rage my way to oblivion...."
"Please... dont...."
"Why!? Give me one good bloody reason why I shouldn't! One good reason why I shouldn't keep screaming!"
"....... because you're breaking my heart."
(can I take a VERY short break from all of this sadness to go - SQUEE!!!!! SPACE PIG!!!! OMFG THAT WAS BRILLIANT!!)
"It's alright.... really Tosh. It's alright."