(no subject)

Apr 02, 2008 18:50

 A meme stolen from 
crashandburn because I'm very bored...

List and explain the following.

Your One OTP
Two ships you keep closest to your heart
Three ships you love; and
Four Ships that deserve mention for some reason or another but don't fall into any of the higher categories

I had HUGE trouble deciding this top one.. generally my ships change depending on what show I'm watching... and possibly the fact that I'm currently re-watching the series led me to this.

My One OTP

John/Aeryn (Farscape)

If you've seen Farscape, this OTP does NOT need explaining.  They are THE most perfect teevee couple ever.  Even though I haven't been a fan of Farscape for as long as many of my other shows... I don't think I've ever been completely taken with a ship like these two.  They are perfect, and gorgeous, and... lets face it, hotter then hell in leather.

A Ship I Keep Closest to my Heart

Sam/Jack (Stargate SG:1)

This is the one that was fighting for top place next to John and Aeryn.  While Sam and Jack wern't my first love, they certainly have been my longest... and while the show has screwed them around, and I've probably lost all hope of ever seeing them together... they've had this MASSVIE influence on my life...  And I still love them to smitherines...

Another Ship I Keep Close to my Heart

Mac/Harm (JAG)

I can't explain these two.  When I was younger, my mother used to call me into the room whenever they would have moments - so I'd never actually watch the show - just them.  They've been through SO MUCH and they got to be together in the end, which is how I've wanted every ship I've followed to do.  Keep the UST and the Angst going for the length of the show, and then give them their happy ending.

Ship One That I Love

Mulder/Scully (The X-files)

These guys probably should have had a 'close to my heart' mention...  I've loved them the longest, and I loved them first.  I think they turned me into a complete sap when it came to relationships.
And even if I REALLY hate how the series ended, The New Movie is TOTALLY going to make up for it!!!

Ship Two that I Love

Doctor/Rose (Doctor Who)

These two ... I ship these guys in a completely different light to everyone else.  I mean, I dont' want them to have sex.  I LOVE the friendship... I love the fact that they can be in love, and hold hands, and cuddle and grin like fools, without it needing to be anything else.  It's adorable and gorgeous and perfect.

Ship Three I Love

Booth/Brennan (Bones)

I remember watching the pilot of this show.  Booth said to Brennan, "Fine, we're Scully and Mulder."  And that's the second I fell for them.  VERY hard and very fast.  They are TOO adorable for words, full of snark and sexual tension, and friendship as well.  They are in the most perfect spot together in the series at the moment and I can only HOPE and PRAY the writers don't mess it up.

The First Ship that Deserves a Mention

Jack/Ianto (Torchwood)

They are my first slash couple ever. I'm not usually in to slash...not really... but these two are THE most adorablest things on the planet, and they are so sweet, and I love the fact that we don't have to make it up, they are CANNON!!  Yays!

The Second Ship that Deserves a Mention

House and Cuddy (House M.D)

Do I need to say anything MORE after that screen cap!?  They are just HOT!  Plain and Simple.

The Third Ship that Deserves a Mention

Tony/Michelle (24)

They were what brought me back to watching 24 in season two after I'd given up on it.  They'd broken up, got back together... and then where shattered...
But I don't care.  They were sweet and so in love, and put more emotion and angst into one day then ANYONE I've ever known.

(and I stole the cap off 
crashandburn 'cause I couldn't be bothered finding my own)

The Fourth Ship that Deserves a Mention

Schofield/Gant (Ice Station, Area 7, Scarecrow)

They're not teevee, so I don't have a screen cap... but they are from my fav books and they are just... so Awww worthy and you NEED to read Ice Station by Matthew Reilly if you haven't so you can fall in love with Scarecrow and Fox... *goes awww and snuggles them*

Phew.  That took longer then I expected.

bored now, meme

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