(no subject)

Jan 07, 2008 21:07

 There seems to be a great lack of Stargate related posts lately... am I the only person who bothered to get this before it came out??  ....Or have I just completely LOST all of the Stargate fans on Eljay!?

I'm a little afraid that if I write about it, someone is going to come and smite me down for it...

*gets that shifty eye look*

Oh wells... just quickly... 'ware the spoilers, wont you all..... (Also for Sg's season 10- all of it!)

Sam and Mitchell ROCK!  They are just SO CUTE!  Everything....  Sam's whole concerned thing..  KISSES!~  Eeeeh!

I'm totally in love with Ben Browder, he got the SHIT kicked outta him!!  Hahaha.  And you know, was even in the infirmary after it!  *shock* Lolz.

OMFG REPLICATORS!  YAY!!!!  Dude.  Any ep with those guys ROCK MY SOCKS!  (I call it an ep.. I know it was a movie.. it felt like an ep.  :D)

And I am SO GLAD they didn't make anything weird happen between Vala and Daniel!  As much as they were ADOREABLE in Unending, they were all as if nothing had happened, which was perfect.

I really liked it.  It was everything Stargate should be - and yeah, so it was nothing special which it probably should have been for a movie (except, you know, all the giant massive arial shots of, I assume, Whistler...  someone had fun with the helicopter THAT day....)

Wasn't disapointed (but then, had no expectation) and I shall wait like a good fangirl for the awesome time traveling ep with Jack!!  YAYS!  (I hope there is all awkward tension when Mitchell realises he likes Sam and finds out she's with Jack)


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