Jul 27, 2004 21:32
Long since I've updated, July 18th was the last time I did so and it has been almost 10 days so I find today to be fitting for my update.
Yin came back yesterday, it was so nice to see her back. I drove her home and dropped her off. She was pretty tired from the flight. Her flight got delayed by almost 2 hours! I was so anxious to see her but I couldn't do anything but go to the cafeteria to buy copious amounts of food and read magazines. I got there around 9:30AM-ish and she came out of the terminal at around 12:30PM or so. She looked just as beautiful as the day she left. We have decided to watch all the fireworks this year, every single day of it. :)
In other news, I managed to fry old motherboard when I was installing a fan controller. Motherboards don't like 12V going through them! So I had to get a new one, ASUS A7V600. It's awesome, I got a 500Mhz overclock on my Barton 2800+.
Also, today, I got my road bike. It's just some cheap no-name brand to let me experiment with the hobby. If I do choose to become more serious about it, I'll invest into a better bike. But at the moment, this one serves me well, it's really light and the agile. Only tiff I have against it is the damn straps on the pedals. I fell over today cause I forgot I had the straps on and as I was getting off my bike, my foot snagged and I fell over. Good thing no one was around to see it. :D