The Baby Whisperer

Dec 22, 2008 07:25

At this time yesterday, I was quite overwhelmed and unsure. Pretty much nothing scared me more than an unsoothed baby Desmond. By yesterday afternoon, he had officially kicked my ass. Just wouldn't stop screaming his poor head off 'cause poppa clearly did not get the memo somewhere along the line. Finally, he stopped after one of our nurses reswaddled him and bounced him about for awhile. (That whole bouncing while bending at the knees thing is tiring though) It was Chantelle's turn to nap so I spent the next three hours having to actively sooth him or pay the consequences. He wouldn't sleep and, if wasn't rocking him or bouncing him, within minutes he'd ramp up to a full-blown tizzy. I was tired, frustrated and my back, neck and shoulders were *killing* me by the end.
This morning, by comparison, could not be more different. I have total confidence that I can sooth him and, literally, I can take him from full-blown squawking-his-head-off screaming to peaceful in about a minute flat. No kidding. Last night we watched this video that they just got in at the hospital to lend to new parents. It's called "The Happiest Baby on the Block" and it's based on the soothing techniques developed by this one pediatrician whose name escapes me at the moment. Well, it's cheesy and it watches like an infomercial at times as he hammers away at his "Five S's" system.  But if you watch it and mimic his techniques it really does work like a charm.
I'm so totally stoked right now, I can hardly describe it. I've successfully taken Desi from screaming cry to peaceful two or three times now with little effort or fuss. It frigging works like a charm and I have so much more confidence it's ridiculous. No more anxiety about soothing him or hours of crying. Today is a new day.
I am the Baby Whisperer.

Poppa Pierce

PS.  Thanks everyone for all the congratulations and warm wishes.  I haven't the time or energy to answer all the wonderful comments but please know I've read them all with a big grin on my face.  :D
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