sufficeittosay (22:52:45): i am in such a good mood this week
IEatAtChaoWang (22:52:47): you are in a happy mood.
IEatAtChaoWang (22:52:53): hah.
sufficeittosay (22:52:58): indeed
sufficeittosay (22:53:00): manana!
sufficeittosay (22:53:05): haha
IEatAtChaoWang (22:53:15): i forgot how to do an enyay.
sufficeittosay (22:53:17): that rhymes with banana without the ~
IEatAtChaoWang (22:53:22): ok.
IEatAtChaoWang (22:53:29): now this is just getting creepy.
sufficeittosay (22:53:36): hahahahhaa
sufficeittosay (22:53:40): go away
IEatAtChaoWang (22:53:40): please go.
sufficeittosay (22:53:47): fuuuuuuuuck
IEatAtChaoWang (22:53:48): what the fuck.