Jared and I are both fans of the New Battlestar Galactica series showing now on Sci-Fi. However, Jared is super-mega-obsesive-fanatical-hyper actively into it. (Much like I was about X Files) Every Friday, or anytime an episode comes on I haven't seen, he becomes all over-zealous about me sitting down and watching with him. Which, of course, I understand, because I've been there. I do, really, like the show. It's extremely well-written and has lots and lots of incredibly good actors, which are also very well casted. However... I always find myself dragging my feet when he wants me to watch it with him and wonder if there's anyone out there who can sympathize with me.
See, my issue is that EVERY single episode has something happen that just causes a tumultuous almost-uncontrolable emotional uproar within me and always leaves me feeling completely exhausted. I'm always either crying or screaming or cursing or going "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!" or crying & screaming or screaming & cursing or crying, screaming & cursing, etc. A good example is when Tigh had to kill his wife for treason. I mean OH MY GOD, WHAT THE FRAK!!?? (p.s. I know what she did, but still) Tears were pouring from my eyes and I was just so mad at the injustice of it from Tigh's perspective. Even after the scene was over, and then for awhile after the show was over, fresh tears would trickle down my face here and there. BLAAGGHHH!!! Of course, Jared knew I would cry. KNEW! Then the one where it was revealled that Adama had made a big "bad-decision" back before the Cylons attacked had me in tithers through the whole thing. OH! Back-tracking: There was the one last year when Kara (Starbuck) was being held at the Cylon-run hospital where she discovered one of the human "baby farms". AAAAAARRRGHGHHHH!!! GRRRRRRRAAAAARRRR!!! That one SERIOUSLY stayed with me for a -very- -long- -time.
They JUST NEVER let up ---- They're gonna kill Sharon's baby... then they're gonna kill Callie... AND PRESIDENT ROSLIN... then they tell you that Kara and Lee (Apollo) had sex on New Caprica, professing their undying love for each other, and first thing the next day Kara frackin shoves a great big metaphorical knife right in poor Lee's heart. No. Not a knife...a SWORD. Aaaand, it eventually leads to poor Ander's getting his heart broken later on. (I don't have any symphathy for Dualla because I'm pissed off about what happened to Billy - another example) Which, in turn, gets me royally pissed off at Starbuck. I know, I know, she's been through a lot, and she was abused as a child, and blah, blah, blah, blah.
I know what you might be thinking "solution - don't watch! Duh." But, deep down, I really do *pause* enjoy *heavy sigh* the show. I just really needed to vent... cause... well... GERRR!
I miss Eureka a lot while in it's off-season right now. I could sure use it's silliness as a break here and there.