It isn't what it's cracked up to be...

Jun 23, 2003 00:11

Let me establish one point: Prenatal infants can't talk.

Me and Ully never did, of course. We just kinda...thought really hard at people. And they seemed to hear us most of the time. It was nice.

Must have had something to do with when the Dark Lady made Mommy go nutters. We had to wake her up, get her to listen, Daddy was asking for help...I think it sorta jump-started our brains. Or something.

That said, I can't do it anymore. The thinking thing. Not with anyone besides my sister. I still mostly understand what they're saying, Thank Whoever, but all I can do in turn is gurgle endearingly and blow spit bubbles.

So I'm just getting used to the whole helpless-newborn thing, when stuff starts moving. Like when Mommy was in the cart, only A LOT worse.

So naturally, I'm shrieking again. And wondering what the heck is going on. And wishing, quite literally, that I'd never been born. Too scary. Not that the womb wasn't...

Don't I have a half-wit half-brother around someplace? Wish he'd show up. He's the only family member I've got (besides my twin, of course) that I don't actively hate at the moment. Maybe he could help me kill Daddy! Yay!

I'll ask him as soon as I can talk. Damn.
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