i fall asleep with my friends around me

Jan 17, 2006 19:39

My life currently is amazing. It's been so long since I've been able to genuinely say that nothing is wrong, there are no problems&I am truly happy. It's a wonderful feeling. I'm satisfied with who I am finally; I've changed so much, but I've still got so much left of my life&haven't quite left my cocoon yet. I'm not worried, though. I can long for the past but I'm always ready for the future. Life isn't perfect at all. I don't believe in perfection. I'm extremely content with who I am, but I'll be the first to admit that I'm also very flawed. But I'm only human and it's nothing but expected. I can be ridiculous&incapable of understanding myself sometimes, but understanding and accepting are two different things. You have to accept yourself before everything. It doesn't matter what you look like or where you come from. If you look down upon yourself you are only inviting others to do the same. But by accepting yourself, people are more likely to follow your lead. And if they still can't do that, then they obviously aren't worth your time.

My life hasn't been hard. I wish I could tell you about how complicated&intricate it's been, but it really hasn't. I take it for granted and I know it. I've only recently really discovered how lucky I've been. I've complained about my family for years&have been wrong this entire time. I blamed them for everything. I was childish. But they've created a wonderful life for me&I can't blame anyone but myself anymore for any mistakes. However I've still been able to open my eyes to the world. It's a terrible place, it really is. Even so, I think people are just as capable to do wonderful things are they are able to destroy themselves&everything around them.

My friends have created half the person I am, and without them I'm basically nothing. When I've been down&out they've always managed to help me back onto my feet, I'm not sure quite how sometimes myself. I take them for granted too sometimes; it seems to be a bad habit of mine. I just hope they always know I much I really do appreciate everything they've done&how much they mean to me. I love you all to death&please know you make up more than just part of me.

I have high ambitions for myself even though it seems everybody has lost any interest in them. I used to criticize myself in order to receive support, bash my work in order to be assured that I have some sort of talent, even though I knew it all along. It was silly and low of myself. I'm guilty of doing it still, but I can blame that on bad habit. I have realized that if I don't believe in myself, I can never expect anyone else to. And I really do believe in myself. I want to make some difference, contribute something, anything to this earth before I say my farewells. I'd be lying if I said I never doubted myself, though. Yet I want to lead a fairly normal life. I'm the same as everyone else, yet in some ways I am drastically different.

Life is beautiful, it really is. I wish everyone could see that. It's not capable of being perfect, by no means. But it sure can come close.

I plan to live my life to the fullest no matter what it takes, I want to try to make each year, each day, each moment have meaning. I want to be remembered when I'm not around anymore, I refuse to be just a name upon a stone slab. I want to be inspirational, I want to be beautiful. I want to share myself with the world, I want to make a difference in at least one person's life. If I can do that, then I can truly be satisfied.

I want to be proud of myself years from now, when I finally emerge as the butterfly I'll become.
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