(no subject)

Mar 03, 2006 18:09

Melody --


Similar to butter in texture and appearance

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com

For some reason, this ties in with Mayo. -shudders-

It's Friday today. The last Friday before OBS, and technically the last official Friday of term one. I suppose i should be feeling relieved, now that i can slow down a little. The past few weeks have been nothing short of monstrously hectic. Yet i still feel a little unsettled. Maybe its the guilt that's built up because i know i haven't finished my homework... or maybe its the thought of OBS next week. i am NOT a outdoors kind of person.

Then again, maybe its just the shock of being one term into sec three already. Geez. Two more terms, and the exams rush up to leer in our faces. 3/4 year more, and we'll be in '07. Time sure passes fast for someone who's not enjoying her life. Thinking about what nah said about "enjoy your secondary school life" or something like that, (remember he said something about all our seniors regretting how they studied too hard?) i wonder if one day i'll look back and wish i'd slacked more. Hmm. I believe its more probable that i'll think "WHY DIDNT I PASS MY MATH AAARGH" instead, but time does strange things to people.

Then, i think about how our seniors apparently had 'three times your current workload' and wonder how they managed to sleep every night. Sigh.

Is it too much to ask to be allowed to rest? SIAs suck.
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