It sounded like a good thing to do!

Oct 04, 2007 15:15

The Perfect Adult Myspace SurveyThe BasicsName::Pat Age::19 Birthday::5/18 Orientation::straight BF/GF/Single/Married::single Living Arrangments::dorm Where you go to School/Work::MSU Height::6.0 Hair and Eye Color::brown and blue Your Favorite ThingsFavorite T.V. Show::Family Guy Favorite Movie::Monty Python and the Holy Grail Hot Actor or Actress::Jessica Alba Favorite Band or Musician::old: Queen, new: Maroon 5 Favorite Colors::Green and Silver Favorite place to hang out::sporting event Favorite Holiday::Christmas! Favorite Beer::none? Favorite Sexual Position::unknown? Favorite place to shop::SAF office :) Favorite type of Underwear?::uh. comfortable. A little more personal...Are You in Love?:no Is there someone you want but don't have?::yea If you could see someone one last time, who would it be?::how about more than one? What would you say?::I love you? Your Best Characteristic::nice Your Worst Characteristic::can be annoying Something you would change about yourself::I'd love to be happier Something a Lot of People don't know about you::I cry a lot Are you Self Concious?::aren't we all? Do you like your Family?::of course! In 5 years I see myself...::honestly. no idea. Do you want kids?::yes Is your life the way you thought it would be?::not entirely Biggest Accomplishment::hm. going to college I guess Are you Successful?:sort of. not completely yet. i will be. Totally RandomBest friends::Rob Best Memory::National Championship Did you like Highschool?::some of it Craziest thing you've ever done::not much Drunk?::never High?::nope How would you describe yourself?::depends on the day Do you make enough money?::nope, I don't make any What car do you drive?::any of the family cars. none of my own :( Is there someone you hate?::nope What pets do you have?::none If you could do anything in the world, what would it be?::in my lifetime? have a family Afraid of dying?::always Last time you laughed?::earlier in the survey Last time you cried?::yesterday Your Favorite type of weather::Fall! Someone you Miss::Family. Rob. Anyone on Myspace you want to hook up with?::no? Are your parents still married?::yes An Embarrasing Story::I fell down on a CATA bus An Annoying Co-Worker::I don't work now Best Song right now::She Will Be Loved Do you smoke?::nope Ever had an online relationship?::nope Have you Ever had Cyber sex?::nope Been to a Strip Club?::nope Best sport to watch::overall, Football. They're all great though. Best sport to play::Baseball! Golf, Bowling. Do you play any instruments?::Guitar, used to play Trumpet The coolest Person you Know:::-/Someone you look up to::Mom and Dad Someone who looks up to you::no one Morning or Night Person?::Night! Anything you regret?::nothing major Favorite quote or saying::fantastic Take this survey | Find more surveys
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Long Randomness survey! REALLY RANDOM!Name 3 things on your desk right now;:DVDs, Headphones, Phone Have you ever played Yu-Gi-Oh?:No Do you like zebras?:sure Would you rather YOU have a huge pimple on your face or your spouse?:I don't have a spouse... Does your foot hurt right now?:a little actually What is your favorite word of a different language?:boulangerie Can you roll your tongue?:yes. in 3 actually. If a giraffe started talking to you, how would you react?:confused? Describe our current president in one word;:funny Can you type fast?:yes Do you like marshmallow peeps?:yes What is your favorite seasonal candy?:I like caramel, is that seasonal? Do you like to play cards?:yes Could you live without pillowcases on your pillows?:nope Do you like licorice?:red How is your hair parted?:not How DID Elvis die?:drugs? Have you ever made up some sort of invention? If so, what?:I've tried... Does the tick-tocking of clocks annoy you at all?:YES Do you think Bruce Willis is a good actor?:usually no An adorable kitten breaks your refridgerator-how do you react?:shotgun. and call the Maytag guy. If y=3x and 3x=12, what does y equal?:12 Are you tired of being random?:nope Have you ever pet a panda bear?:nope Do you like mushrooms?:nope Would you ever want to be an Oompa-Loompa?:doubt it Do you use daily?:maybe not quite daily How many bones are in the human body?:217 Have you ever set anything on fire?:hahhaha. of course! Do you watch 'Will and Grace"?:I have Have you ever tasted blood?:yup, all the time Do you find bobbleheads intriguing?:a little bit Can you bobble YOUR head?:*nod* Have you ever been to Las Vegas?:yes Do you secretely hate one of your teachers? If so, who?:I don't hate them personally, but as a teacher... What is your best idea for curing boredom?:surveys! Do you ever say "rawr"?:i think i have Can a california man legally marry his widowed wife's sister?:i don't think a dead man can marry What fork do you use to eat frog legs?:I use sporks. Would you get mad if you had to add "-izzle" to any word you say?:yes Who is Ryan Schekler?:no idea Did I spell his name right?:probably? Are you offended by your momma jokes?:nope Have you ever shot a b-b gun?:no Did you know that question 38 is a trick question?:I wish I knew what 38 was Take this survey | Find more surveys
Bzoink - The Original Survey Site

The Best Myspace Survey* . . About You . . *Eye Color::blue Hair Color::brown Height::6' Favorite Color::green Screen Name:: Favorite Band::Queen or Maroon 5 Favorite Movie::MP&tHG Favorite Show::FG Your Car::none Your Hometown::Sterling Heights Your Present Town::East Lansing Your Crushes First Name::Orange Your Grade::Junior Your Style::SAF * . . Have You Ever . . *Sat on your rooftop?:nope Kissed someone in the rain?:nope Danced in a public place?:yes Smiled for no reason?:yes Laughed so hard you cried?:nope Peed your pants after age 8?:nope Written a song?:tried Sang to someone for no reason?:of course Performed on a stage?:yes Talked to someone you don't know?:uh... Gone out of your way to befriend someone?:not really Made out in a theatre?:nope Gone roller skating since 8th grade?:blading, not skating Been in love?:no * . . Who was the last person to . . *Say HI to you?:Katie Tell you, I love you?:Mom Kiss you?:Mom? Hug you?:Mom Tell you BYE?:Katie Write you a note?:Matt O Take your photo?:Beth Call your cell phone?:Mark M Buy you something?:Mom Go with you to the movies?:if you count Wells, Lisa and Becky Sing to you?:can't remember any Write a poem about you?:same as above Text message you?:Mike? Touch you?:good question * . . What's the last . . *Time you laughed?:last survey Time you cried?:yesterday Movie you watched?:part of Garden State. Ocean's 13 full Joke you told?:no idea Song you've sang?:Wake Up Call Time you've looked at the clock?:3:12 Drink you've had?:Faygo Orange Pop Number you've dialed?:last person - Jessica S, last number - my own (ha) Book you've read?:some MSU history book Food you've eaten?:Caramel piece Flavor of gum chewed?:Eclipse Polar Ice Shoes you've worn?:my tennis shoes Store you've been in?:CVS? Thing you've said?:not sure * . . Can You . . *Write with both hands?:partially Whistle?:yes Blow a bubble?:no Roll your tounge in a circle?:yup Cross your eyes?:yeah.. Touch your tounge to your nose?:no Dance?:sure Gleek?:no Stay up a whole night without sleep?:never have, so i guess not Speak a different language?:a little Impersonate someone?:not really Prank call people?:i can... Make a card pyramid?:a small one Cook anything?:I love cooking actually * . . Finish The Line . . *If i were a ...:rich man I wish ...:I knew So many people don't know that ...:(I really can't think of anything here) I am ...:bored My heart is ...:lonely Take this survey | Find more surveys
Bzoink - The Original Survey Site

The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly! - A Survey of Your Life* So Basically... *Name?:pat Age?:19 Sex?:male Birth Date?:5.18 Hair Color?:brown Eye Color?:blue Height?:6' Weight?:175 Body Type?:normal Piercings?:none Tattoos?:none What are you wearing right now?:Rush Slaps, blue shorts, socks and underwear Hair style at the moment?:normal * Favorites *Soda?:POP! - Sunkist Orange Food?:Bacon. Mom's pepper steak. Drink?:Gatorade Alcoholic Drink?:unknown? Time of day?:Evening Season?:Fall! (or autumn if you prefer). Day of the week?:Saturday I guess Song at the moment?:She Will be Loved Band/Artist?:Queen/Maroon 5 Book?:Don't really have a "favorite" Subject in school?:Advertising I suppose... Place in the USA?:East Lansing! Place outside the USA?:hm.. Illahee? Color?:Green Style of clothes?:SAF shirts. Store?:Golfsmith, Meijer? Mall?:Lakeside City?:East Lansing Website?:Facebook, LJ, or tRCMB Magazine?:ESPN Kind of pet?:bird I guess? * Worst *Place to be?:hell Class in school?:TC 310 Time of dayr?:depends on the day. early afternoon maybe? Season?:there's not really a worst Kind of pet?:I imagine an Anaconda Drink?:there's a lot I don't like Food?:mushrooms Mall?:Universal haha Store?:Coach Style of clothes?:tight jeans Celebrity?:Ashlee Simpson Color?:Olive Green Book?:Telecommunication Law and Policy Type of music?:Rap I guess Website? Magazine?:Cosmo? * Daily Life *When do you get up?:usually around 8am What is your first thought?:I want to go back to sleep What do you do first?:Go back to sleep What's your usual outfit?:Shorts/Pants and an MSU t-shirt What's the first class of the day?:either ADV 324 (M-W) or TC 310 (Th) When does school end?:4:50, 5:50, 4:50, 2:30 Do you see your friends?:yeah? What do you do when you get home?:LJ, Facebook, tRCMB What time do you go to bed?:12-2 am or so usually * Do you...*:I do. Brush your teeth daily?:yeah... Brush your hair daily?:no Shower daily?:yeah. Have to or I feel like a hobo Sing?:yea! (no one said well...) Dance?:yea! Party?:sure Get drunk?:nope Have sex?:nope Read books?:occasionally Listening to music a lot?:All the time Read magazines?:not much Go online a lot?:constantly Stay on AIM all day even with an away message?:yup Have a religion?:yeah Have an IPod?:I have a Creative Zen MicroPhoto! Want an IPod?:nope Have a Girlfriend/Boyfriend?:nope Play an instrument?:Guitar Get sick a lot?:hardly ever (except the last 2 weeks) Watch TV?:a little Like MTV?:not much Like VH1?:occasionally for a laugh usually Like the History Channel?:yeah Have Digital Cable?:nope Have more than 500 channels on your TV?:nope Listen to the radio?:in the car Still use your CD player?:nope Stalk people?:haha. does facebook count? j/k Have more than 200 buddies on your Buddy List?:is that even possible? i have less. Have dial-up internet?:nope Have AOL?:AIM Know HTML?:yup Have a GPA higher than 3.9?:not quite Get H's in honors classes?:yeah? * Music *Do you listen to Rap?:occasionally, not often, usually with others R & B?:not often Blues and/or Jazz?:not often Classical?:not often Pop?:occasionally, usually with others Country?:usually only late at night Emo/Scremo?:not often Heavy Metal?:not much at all Christian?:very little Techno?:not much Reggae?:hardly Broadway Musical songs?:occasionally Oldies?:sometimes. * In A Boyfriend/Girlfriend *Hair color?:inconsequential Eye color?:contrast with hair is best! Tattoos?:none Piercings?:none Favorite Music?:all of it! Style of clothing?:comfortable Body Type?:healthy Personality or Looks?:both! Would you go out with someone just for their money?:no Do you go on "Pity Dates"?:I don't go on any dates... Does size matter?:sure? Do they have to be popular?:no Does the guy ask the girl or the other way around?:should be able to work either way Where do you go on the first date?:somewhere fun Kiss on the first date?:idk? Sex on the first date?:no * Right Now *Do you think you look good right now?:probably Are you eating something?:not RIGHT now Are you drinking something?:nope Are you IMing anyone?:nope Are you talking on the phone with someone?:nope Are you talking face to face with someone?:nope Is anyone at your house who doesn't live there?:i don't live in a house What song are you listening to?:Incubus - Privelage What are you watching on TV?:nothing What other websites do you have open?:LJ Why are you taking this survey?:bored Where are you going to post it?:LJ What are you going to do after this?:probably another survey * What do you Believe? *Do you believe in ghosts?:no The afterlife?:sure Aliens?:yes God?:yes The devil?:believe it? sure Heaven?:yeah Hell?:i don't plan on being there Scientology?:no Hinduism?:no Buddhism?:no Christianity?:yes Taoism?:no Judism?:no Jesus?:yes Nothing?:no Reincarnation?:would be kinda cool Yourself?:usually * Randoms *Have you been on an airplane before?:yeah Where were you going?:Home from Florida, Washington DC Have you been to another country?:Canada, Bahamas Have you ever went to another country with your friends?:nope Have you ever partied in another country?:nope Have you ever went on a roadtrip with your friends?:nope Ever stayed online more than 10 hours straight?:10 days! Pretended to like someone just to get popular?:lol Talked about someone behind their back?:of course Had someone talk about you behind your back?:I assume so, but I wouldn't know would I? Been in a fight online?:not really Been in a fight face to face?:not physically Gotten yourself involved in a fight that wasn't about you?:nope Been called a bitch?:yea Been called a slut/whore?:yeah Been to Australia?:no Do you like snakes?:no Ever cried to get your own way?:nope Ever broken a bone?:nope Ever had to stay in the hospital for more than a week?:no Ever had serious surgery?:not serious I guess Ever went to one of those "adult" stores?:I was outside one once Ever bought clothes at Walmart?:nope Ever gotten clothes from the Salvation Army?:nope Ever paid more than 100 dollars for a pair of jeans?:hahah Ever been on stage for any reason?:yeah Ever been in a play?:Middle School! Ever been in a choir?:Elementary School! Ever been in a band?:Middle School Concert Band Do you play, or used to play, an instrument?:Guitar now, Trumpet before Gotten a Brazilian Bikini Wax?:no Waxed your eyebrows?:no Waxed your legs?:no Cut yourself shaving?:all the time Have you ever died?:...uh... Was this survey an good at all?:sure What time is it right now?:3.49.00 pm edt Take this survey | Find more surveys
Bzoink - The Original Survey Site

Interesting MySpace SurveyWhat does your MySpace headline mean?:LJ headline is from a song Elaborate on your default photo.:i got bored and made a Mexican cactus What's your current relationship status?:single What exactly are you wearing right now?:socks, underwear, blue shorts, rush Slaps shirt What is your current problem?:i'm not all that happy What do you love most?:family What makes you most happy?:people Are you musically inclined?:a little If you could go back in time and change something, what would it be?:idk If you MUST be an animal for one day, what would it be?:llama. because everyone loves llamas. Ever had a near death experience?:I got hit by a bike once Name an obvious quality you have.:I'm open What's the name of the song you that's stuck in your head right now?:Wake Up Call Name someone with the same birthday as you.:Pope John Paul II Have you ever vandalized someone's private property?:no Have you ever been in a fight?:no Have you ever sang in front of a large audience?:not lately What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?:hair What do you usually order at Starbucks?:nothing Name something totally random about you.:i'm good at pingpong Has anyone ever told you you look like a celebrity?:Ed Norton Do you still watch children's movies and TV shows?:yeah Do you have braces?:I did What's the most romantic thing someone has ever done for you?:nothing Do you speak any other languages?:not really What is your favorite smell?:vanilla Have you ever been to a tanning salon?:nope What magazines do you read?:none really Have you ever ridden in a limo?:no Has anyone really close to you passed away?:not REALLY close Do you watch MTV?:not much What\\\'s something that really anoys you?:being ignored What\\\'s something you really like?:talking to other people Do you give random hugs and/or kisses?:not really What\\\'s the latest you\\\'ve ever stayed up?:6am Have you ever been rushed to the emergency room?:no What are you going to do tomorrow?:Help people in 324, give a tour, go golfing What is one thing you'd like the opposite sex to know?:i'm awesome, duh. Take this survey | Find more surveys
Bzoink - The Original Survey Site

Measure Your Fears - Would You, Wouldn't You, You DidPet a snake:not a chance Spend a week in an empty room:i don't think i could Ride in a hot-air balloon:not if i didn't have to Sky dive:nope Sing in front of a huge audience:i suppose i would, they wouldn't enjoy it scuba dive:nah Sit in the front seat of a roller coaster:wouldn't sit in any seat... Deliver a baby:if i had too Swim across the Amazon River:not a chance Change careers:i suppose so Disappear for a long period of time:that would be too weird Walk through the forest alone at night:no Join a space mission:nope Tell everyone what you honestly think of them:sure, why not? Call off your wedding:depends i guess Walk naked through New York City for 10 minutes during rush hour:nope Walk up to Mike Tyson and call him a girl:haha. that would be pretty funny Disarm a bomb:too much pressure CLean the outside windows of a skyscraper:no way Draw a mustache on the Mona Lisa with a permanent marker:lol i doubt you'd get that far Go on tour with Elvis:he's dead? Go swimming during a thunder storm:nah Preform surgury on your best friend:i don't think i could on anyone, but if i had to... Take this survey | Find more surveys
Bzoink - The Original Survey Site

Ok I'm done I guess. Those might be fun to read next year or something. hah.
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