[OOC: Continued from
Patsy was about to start spelling out more about the p-a-r-t-y when she noticed Brady was running far too fast. She was going to fall....as tough as she might think she is, Brady was still a little girl and they just can't run that long and fast without falling. Heck, Patsy still fell herself for the most random reasons. She bit her lip, braced herself, and just hoped.
Patsy must have blinked, because the next thing she knew, Brady was on the ground, her knee bleeding, and she was calling out for Patsy, crying. Patsy looked down at Baby Bray. He'd be fine in his swing, alone for a minute. Besides, Cloe was right there, and Mouse was around as well. What could happen to him? Brady needed her - Patsy went running.
Patsy sat down on the ground next to Brady and pulled her into her lap, brushing the dirt off the scrape, trying not to hurt her. "Shh, sweetheart. It's alright. You're okay." Patsy looked down. It was just a standard cut, nothing a band-aid wouldn't fix. Patsy wondered for a brief moment if they had band-aids. But then she remembered that The Mall had a whole hospital now. There'd be nothing to worry about.
She hugged Brady and kissed her on the top of her head. "It's alright. Patsy's here, she'll make it better."