i'm about to post many pictures of myself along with random latelyness.
i am in a photographical mood.
i splurged my picture folders. pick your favorite look.
i need a new one. !
max drew me a spectacular picture today.
we were in love on the moon drinking coffee
and eating snow cones
there was also a space dog and a glimpse of earth.
i had to describe. no scanner. no scanner. :(
"ooooooo you're so special
ooooooo who gives a
do you want to play?
she lived beneath the disco discount store
with pictures of randy newman scattered all accros the floor
i said this place looks sorta desolate
she said are you only half alive or have you always been this innarticulate?"
i got my cd back today along with my grey cords!
got the coloring book and crayons
jungle jack animal pictures
anyone want me to color you something special?
i hope everyone is loving everyone.
ps today i found out i am worth
20,000 $ thats it? yeas yeas that is all.