Dec 08, 2004 16:33
Yes so..the last few days have been eh. Finding out that Ryan has to move is a very sad thing.. and his whole family too, I feel bad for them because I love every single one of them. I just hope that everything works out okay and they are able to stay in McHenry.
I have two days ISS next week.. Monday and Tuesday. It'd be really exciting if Nicole had it then too.. but either way it will still be exciting. Mr. Roberts was trying to talk me into doing a thursday instead because he didn't think I fit in with the ISS kids.. but I love ISS far to much to go to a shitty thursday detention, or worse, a SATURDAY detention. EWAY!
Ew I'm getting so much fatter than I already was before. It's disgusting. I haven't been eating THAT much but doctors told me this would probably happen.. so oh well. It's not like I'm HUGE I guess so it's all good... plus mom is buying me membership to a gym so I can be like Korrina. :)
Wow I always get the WORST headaches at the end of the school day when I just want to go HOME. and I'm very tempted to. I wish I had a study hall like 10th hour cause Chaz gave me the best idea today... ha. oh well, maybe next year I guess.
Better start working on that Aztec shit.. I want our project to be the shizzle!