i slept for fourteen hours!! whoa dude. dont kno wut im doing today yet. still kinda tired. got a new treadmill. its pretty hot.
{Ten} People That Mean Something To You…
1. family
2. amy
3. liz
4. teena
5. lexis
6. mali
7. sammy
8. ariel
9. erin m
10. hannah f
{Nine} Things That Annoy You…
1. my brother
2. when people act like theyre better than anyone
3. when people try to be like gangster when they are totally not
4. when guys call my good friends hoes
5. when people get in fights
6. when guys only care about looks
7. when you think something is gonna be totally awesome and then it turns out gay
8. when people copy something that u totally made up.
9. when people are mean to me/my friends
{Eight} Things You Do Everyday…
1. sleep
2. shower
3. do my hair
4. talk to liz and sam
5. eat
6. go online
7. scream at someone (joke)
8. laugh
{Seven} Ways To Your Heart…
1. him loving you for who you are
2. not being afraid of getting into trouble
3. when they give you hints that they like you
4. when he looks you in the eye
5. making me laugh
6. him acting the same way around u as he does with his friends
7. when he would do anything just to see me
{Six} Memories You’ll Never Forget…
1. the day i left raleigh...cried for 16 hours straight
2. sixth grade
3. when i slammed my thumb into a car door that hurt like hell lol
4. summers with liz and sam and mark and eric and ken
5. the time sammys gum went into my hair lol
6. when nushka died and sammy came to my door and we didnt even talk we just cried for like 2 hours
{Five} Things You Wish You Could Change About Yourself…
1. grades
2. my body
3. my overhand serve lol
4. being so loud
5. getting in trouble so much
{Four} Things You Will NOT Do...
1. do ANY type of drugs
2. live in a trailer park
3. like dragon ball z hahahhaha all the kids on my bus STILL are obsessed with it ew
4. work at a gas station
{Three} Things (or people) You Put Before Yourself…
1. family
2. friends
3. my dog
[Two] Secrets...
1. i like someone
2. someone told them that i do....twice
[One] Thing Worth Waiting For...
1. the right guy