i fixed my lj, finally. apparently the entries were backdated and whatnot. it took me a while to realize that. it wasn't until i scroleld down on my journal that my current entries were on the bottom and shit. it's all fixed. sigh of relief on my behalf.
the world cup = my life. argentina lost against germany. craziest match of the cup so far. it was insane. the goalie on the argentinean side sucked. he was letting the german goals in. WHAT THE FUCK. whatever. i felt bad. the next game i am awaiting anxiously for is the brazil vs. france game. holy shit man. brazil is the best team. crazy players. but i love france. thierry henry is my boo. that'll be a sick match to watch.
i just got my report card. my average is an 85. damn, next year i am going to study and shit. forreals. i can't fall behind. i have to step ma game up. but right now, i'm going to enjoy ma summmmmaa! and worry about shit when i gotsta.
some pics from yesterday
natural museum of history what what,
me brother and i. thumbs up.
we spanish american peoples. hah, my family.