Just because it never happens..

Jan 31, 2007 13:52

I have not updated in quite some time--but I'm always on here reading and rarely leaving comments. QAlot of things have been going on lately that I'm pretty happy about, and others that leave me not knowing how to feel...

Firstly, I have a house for next year. I'm living with Courtney, Lianne, Janna (three Jews), Brydne (...waste of human), Melanie (half japanese) and Alex (annoying hetero). It should be fun--Courtney is the best, and her and I are sharing the basement, which is basically a basement apartment (living room, kitchen, two bedrooms, bathroom and a laundry room). Its so close to campus, you can see the Medical Centre from the house. Its perfect and I'm glad I'm living there. Which leads me to my next statement, which my mother still isn't all that happy with--but I'm staying in Hamilton all summer, and likely every summer to come after that until I'm done school. I'm done with Oshawa; I hate it. After this weekend and Reading week, I won't be going back to Oshawa until probably right before exams. Thank god.

School seems to be going alot better than it did last term, I'm staying on top of things.  I'm starting to hate my roomates alot more--they play video games together now. SWEET LIFE.

Jason has also given up life for video games, and I rarely talk to him anymore. He wants to come up here after February--I don't even know if I want him to. Sometimes I feel like he's the only thing I want right now--especially when he's not being a dickhead...and then others where I can see myself moving on. I don't even know with him sometimes. He confuses me.

I went to see Ohbijou last night--if you've never heard them, I suggest doing a music search on myspace and listening to their songs. They're a very talented band, and I've listened to them for a while, just had never seen them live. There were a few other good bands there last night too whom I enjoyed--Kae Sun, Hearts at Half Mast and The Acheivers. I'm going to see The Johnstones tonight with Morgan and a boy from third floor...He went to Ska Fest, he's a cool guy.

I'm feeling better emotionally lately, I won't go into this too much, this update is long enough already, but I'll just say its a very good feeling, and I'm glad it got here.

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