Sep 27, 2005 22:00
work started today. and i'm already stressed. so many new kids. so little room. on tuesdays and thursdays we have to switch classrooms. which is retarded. and lindsay is getting paid for two weeks, but emily isn't getting paid at all. and she's worked there longer. and kurtis can't get paid for one day a week, which would be wednesdays, when we need him the most. it was sad when i told raechyl what happened with kurtis and i. she looked really upset. it was weird that the one kid i thought would ask about him, didn't. and one of the least likely kids did.
i think i'm getting sick. my neck hurts and my throat is kinda hurting. i really hope not. maybe i'm just sleep deprived or something. the longest day ever is tomorrow, but it's HUMP DAY!!!