Dec 19, 2004 04:20
Just randomly posting that this is what showed up when I tried to load my page. The spelling errors are... really strange.
Also, I'm soon to be leaving for the east coast. =) I can't wait... I just can't wait to be with Kris.
Pax's Pride
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Below are thedyr'>Archive][User tijordcom he "ers/_parallax/friends'>Friends][][<"nx'>User:[Friends][<<">[evious>][ ivejourmargin- : 30erp100paddiht-wet En='2'a='http: 'a href='166bac; '>Dijombhiv13mily2004="mh>="mr100pa v='http:tope='pd ivejourd { font-weigh 'a href='ht; e='em>04:15 pmFriends][L/ww>][Just a favorund song of minh, hat I waured to da9re... titevaur to he mys="art and mind agree]FylereverCurrournMood:" corong>x' srcc/14089996/1statrallax/post" /> Pax' CalmedCurrournMusic:" corong>x"O//wiser Specom/" by Audio Adrrna//we(ers/_par"llax/friends'>Friends][03:25 amFriends][L/ww>][ '3535; '>Keepin' It Realent EntCurrournMood:" corong>x' srcc/14089996/1statrallax/post" /> Pax' DDRCurrournMusic:" corong>xTeh beat(ers/_par"llax/friends'>Friends][Friends][Dijombhiv12mily2004="mh>="mr100pa v='http:tope='pd ivejourd { font-weigh 'a href='ht; e='em>02:14 amFriends][L/ww>][ '3535; '>A-Lifeent Ent]pthte. Imeven indepnalmntly cejourd soman heory and hrrlermrd somanexhrri; } #ythat weren't donh,until he e ly 80's!ing hings. Imc/speven program ]Pahough heymc/spboth,sena "changepm heir environ; } , and reproduch, hems{ s hrrl; lyontheymboth,l { , he crunicer c/pacitypto evolvf beyond what I have specoficerty hemmmo be. Frser t>]c/snotpbe passe fdown through he,generations,geneticerty.But only bec6pAnd wheremd f he cotpthx,instructions of DNA o//wisete, anyway? My,org/sismslhave sets of genes, wh ch arh,marginerty hashufflcom heir offst>]only bec6pFrse wels'>Fyin ]s hrrl; ly,builtpto support life. That itsitf i/ a majoivpo]Frses could support life at all, and have decoded that hey arh,tre; }dousty h9re. The laws of physics,ythe posirion of our pl/set,ythe mour,.bosyle fo here, arh,atpyjust . The very existence of mouur, and energy, and the very laws that govern ejolity,,atpyarh,just .]]ousty jonsoder. ] es next demastrr. Well, probabty onty one. But biology +lghtputrr scomnce seems very exciuing to me, and ]t'sva direcrion I waurpto movfvfer her in.Frserion ri h Zak. Aurnsoma pizza. Wat Fd Stty Trek: Generations. Twtitl =)now, ]t'svtimanto read somanmoue about a-life. =)CurrournMood:" corong>x' srcc/14089996/1statrallax/post" /> Pax' EngagedCurrournMusic:" corong>xThe Music of he Spheres(ers/_par"llax/friends'>Friends][Dijombhiv11mily2004="mh>="mr100pa v='http:tope='pd ivejourd { font-weigh 'a href='ht; e='em>01:15 amFriends][L/ww>][ '3535; '>"Thisli/ s'fe, D/sny."ent Ent"ItmislYou," by The Ncosboys]sednanomkind of disappo]F, getuing /rom mymcar to he /ront dooivtiquire/ walking asoom he eogemof a ejtaining watpyri h a loom drop on the o her sodeonthen down a f pof stairsonthen asoom ano her wall... atpyri hout any h9ils. Imwas mildly /snoyed that hey hadn't thfr the po ponpfoivme, bec6ing roomnto reassurh,h5egonh,moue timanthat the power would be b { ,on, and she suddenly started aeying and saying,y"Helpvme, D/sny."ebr39;(s)lritpylergivevme, I,maymjust have to "1rain dump"lon his one. Prepar foivrandomness. =/]sednthat I could hrolounc , hesha1saof her homh,island, Siquijor, corr; lyonand m6banfun of he way mymdad says it. Shh'd lit amc/sd bec6ing me a p { ,of Hoph,cigarettas, hough I,made ]t exhttpitly cl"ar hat I don't dmoke. Shh,said hat she'd given up her lifepmo comanto America bec6Fyri h hrr bro her in Gonzaths /rom now on. Hhivfe: li/ very mad ar mymdad. We talked ar gejoupthngth about her, about mymdad, about her s'fe, about mymdad's s'fe, about hhivfe: . Shh,keprpsaying hat she was sorry. Im ont h5egthat she hadn't donh,onything wrong, that itmwasn't hhivfeult. Shh,keprp hanking me foiv alking to h5e. The power eventuttly ca1sab { ,on. We keprp alking until itmwas poutsode. I w }tnto bed and couldn't in he tiddle of hi/ situarion, in he tiddle of /spemotioner jung .nOne hing I do know ]s hat ]f mymdad foices her to go b { to he Ph ippines against hhivwill, hat I'llllikely,not have onything to do wi h him again. Imdon't waurpthat. Imknow hat I'm he one hrrson in =i/ s'fe who ruty toves him. I'm also very mad ar him, and I /inllvery sorry foivhim. Of cours5 Iyalso /inllvery sorry foivhrr. Imhoph, hat hhivfe: doesn't hatevmantoo. es. I'm rorrying about roe her or not I'lllbe a to get ]Frsity, especoollyvri h the concomitaur baomgrades in ma h anom he absolute F in Geography of Cas'founia. The ma h one,yadmirurdty, i/ partoollyvmym/eult. tharnponything. Imd n't tharn onything in C++ until Ipstarted doing soma hing ghtpthtety untitated to an> , my Qrunrevsmartifijier lifepprogram. Still, Imknow hat if Imever waurpto do work in hat field,mI'lll.ced a degree. Still, ar this po]Frsity at the sa1satimanKri/ does ( hough I'd have my A.A. atr66by). next demastrr. It shatpybe so. But first, I have to go down to the college bank anomre;ind themnthat I onty owrn hem $24 dollarsonnot the $460nthat I just got a bitpyler. In he me/stime, I,c/s't ejgistrr foivan> es. I waur sleep, but not in mys1ed. I,waurptheptispith, hat onty God c/spgivevme... that teun, ejol rest. )< he extre; . Chtputrrs m wetpybe wriuing ro;anch,novels ?commodiuizedpit. Ellen Degenere/ was the l/sr,genuinh,homosexual comadian, and she got canchled.fusny. Pax' AnrenuauedCurrournMusic:" corong>xStitpythe Cro , by FFH(ers/_par"llax/friends'>Friends][Dijombhiv6mily2004="mh>="mr100pa v='http:tope='pd ivejourd { font-weigh 'a href='ht; e='em>03:45 amFriends][L/ww>][Up,atpyn ... coding.... pain in... seta"ch.... they have me trappet ]< the l/b.... they'rh,making me cod foivmy airmsupply... c/s't go on... mu ... soomgh... CurrournMood:" corong>x' srcc/14089996/1statrallax/post" /> Pax' Painednby exh6CurrournMusic:" corong>xTSOS(ers/_par"llax/friends'>Friends][Nove;bhiv28mily2004="mh>="mr100pa v='http:tope='pd ivejourd { font-weigh 'a href='ht; e='em>04:51 pmFriends][L/ww>]["Ocean," by Ten Shekel Shirt]se up anomprai eing chlebrations,werelteh,good. Well, actuttly,ythe onh,ot mysgrandma's hoKaila'spfe: 's chlebration, hings wereldifferen . Again, Imd n't know m;st of hem,vatpfirst, but everyone was very /rrnally anomca1saar fo to meet me. They'rh,atpyvery nior anomfun hroplh. And the dinnrrpwas excellen . Su Turkey! And ham! And mas Fd potatoes, and stuffing,yand aeanbhiry chutney, and... ano... ano... anonthen dea ht! Pom/ su as I'd never t/sred belere! X-tre; mfuogembrownom/! It was... *goes into a diabetic a>]a*ebr39;Quicksilver by Njol Stephensonpfoivme, anomHerelTheranBe Dragons foivhrr. Itmwas good wh e itll/sred, but in about an hour,and a half,v he detting sun tou Fd shadow to her b { sodeonand, being Kaila, she instaurly started to go into hypo hermia. XDFrserion.<,so mtny situarion#ythat werenr balanc dppartnrrships... anomi've hadpan apemof a timangetting outvof them
< the r foivhaving hh,/inling/ you do... thats volidouion
exa lypwhat I hadmjust donh?evilpcehjol?fox?EVILpDAISY??
CurrournMood:" corong>x' srcc/14089996/1statrallax/post" /> Pax' recu;bhntCurrournMusic:" corong>x"Go" by Andy Huurer(ers/_par"llax/friends'>Friends][Nove;bhiv23rdly2004="mh>="mr100pa v='http:tope='pd ivejourd { font-weigh 'a href='ht; e='em>05:58 pmFriends][L/ww>][
'3535; '>Misc. Updourent Ent"How Do ImLovf Hhi" by Stephen Curtis ChapmanCurrournMood:" corong>x' srcc/14089996/1statrallax/post" /> Pax' calmCurrournMusic:" corong>xShascapem(instru; } ol), by Eden'svBridge(ers/_par"llax/friends'>Friends][Friends][Nove;bhiv21st, 2004="mh>="mr100pa v='http:tope='pd ivejourd { font-weigh 'a href='ht; e='em>06:09 pmFriends][L/ww>]["Susny Days" by Jars of Clay]< the bathroom afur, drinkingpamprairrnsfire. Ha! It onty took me about 10 minutas, and I'd hadptwoonand minh,weranwi h tiquila, hot,Southern Chtfoiu. That was the worst,t } minutas of myvlife,vgrannddonbut... peoplh,stitpytalk about itm hus Fd tones, asp hough ]t,werh,somanlegendary feat. Foiv hoa "cu>]ous, Imdranklminh,a soooom imanago, hot,last n .]ournafur, a brjokup. Itmwas excellen aspalw209 (thisli/ hrr specool ior cejom,mcost mr $8.40 foiv wolbowrs of ]t) and wr hadpalgood ghn>Frserion. Gianna and I picked out The ShawshanklRedemprion to watch, and started at about 1:30. Atp4 AM itmwas over, and wr atpyagreed that they should get to bed and I should get going. Well, wh,talked foivano her hour. F. XD"Blessedai/ he Man" by Eden'svBridge / D/vid / God]s Fs, CurrournMood:" corong>x' srcc/14089996/1statrallax/post" /> Pax' unghtfoiu5050CurrournMusic:" corong>x"Ocean" by Ten Shekel Shirt(ers/_par"llax/friends'>Friends][Nove;bhiv19mily2004="mh>="mr100pa v='http:tope='pd ivejourd { font-weigh 'a href='ht; e='em>09:01 pmFriends][L/ww>]["StitpyThe Cro " - - FFHSoma imas ir seems he world’s untaveling ar fo us
I hadpalejolty,good mjol at Taco Bell today. I me/s... ejoltypgood!just one, i/ dettpious. L'kepHac;y the Lovf Bug.
]sedna . Unfoiuunatety, her mom die fe li5egthat day, so she waspkind of... well. Not surh,how to descrrbe ap/inling s' foiv10 hours. Having o stay ; } ollyvatert hat long wi hout actuttlyvmoving is... unpthasaur.CurrournMood:" corong>x' srcc/14089996/1statrallax/post" /> Pax' fcusrrauedCurrournMusic:" corong>xNone l'kepa fox(ers/_par"llax/friends'>Friends][01:42 amFriends][L/ww>][ '3535; '>S fos andom but i/n'tent Entthisptime? as mh,nuts. I onty (hrrsonolly),know hrae, tossibty four proplh who know he samh,stuffnI do,sand I don't sirnany of hem r6gul ly. When Imdo,swe hahdly ever bring he su35; up,mbec6F. But hven G. EdwardnGriffin didn't see the dcopemof Agenda 21...attachedpthan I'd s'ke, hough. To belejolty,good at Go, youv.ced somanse>]ous zes.CurrournMood:" corong>x' srcc/14089996/1statrallax/post" /> Pax' ceazyCurrournMusic:" corong>xDea ht - Unknown(ers/_par"llax/friends'>Friends][Friends][Nove;bhiv13mily2004="mh>="mr100pa v='http:tope='pd ivejourd { font-weigh 'a href='ht; e='em>02:23 pmFriends][L/ww>][Stephen Curtis Chapman: "D'>F"< the rush I h"ar avvoioring in, I'm going deeponin ovgh mys="ad I waur to br< the run, ossedain he flow, in ovgh mys="ad I waur to going ining and rorihtdying foi,vyeahing in, I'm going deeponin ovgh mys="ad I waur to br< the run, ossedain he flow, in ovgh mys="ad I waur to going ining ining in < the middl "of he stoum, Imc/sp/inllthe world shouur,ing atpyar fo melyand hot,be,afraid."Re;inds mh,of that newscarvght; rcool ri h thescarvdr'>ing down the middl "of a wet street, o her cars spinning out ant sliding atpyar fo it, but getting hrough untou Fdonthe driver chtpthtety confodent."I'm surh, hera's domamkind of ='httpnllthera,,anyway.More Than Conqumrors"Foivyourssoke we fele deoth all day long;
wanarh,consoderednaspsheepnto be slaughtered."
No, in all these hings wenarh,moue than conqumrors hrough him who tovedvus. FoivI am aonvinc dpthat nei her deoth noiv ife,vnei her aomgls noivdemons,vnei her the present noiv he future, noivany powers,vnei her ="page noivdepmilynoivany hing glse in all cejotion, witpybe 5050 o se='htrevus /rom he tove of God that i/ in ChristvJesus our Lorb.
Ro;ans 8:28-39 CurrournMood:" corong>x' srcc/14089996/1statrallax/post" /> Pax' relaxedCurrournMusic:" corong>xNone(ers/_par"llax/friends'>Friends][Septe;bhiv27mily2004="mh>="mr100pa v='http:tope='pd ivejourd { font-weigh 'a href='ht; e='em>02:14 pmFriends][L/ww>][ '3535; '>Sing a newssongFrserion, and I showerednand didpa litt bit of work on my clo hing sizer hrogram,belere 166bing oveiv o Kaila'svapart; }t."I'm so jjolous of heiv- she hasvbut to stepnoutsode and have angincredo viewsof Monterey Bay ant the citypof Saura Cruz. If onty there wass't ano her building betwees her tiving room and said view, a window would givevthem he kind of scene that takas one'svbrjoth away. I c/s't imaginh,what it's s'kepto see hat every day as you enter or l"ave yours=o onbut hasvno ibaa how to program, and is alr66by tosr. The teacher wrote he bookythat the an> is using, and she says that wh e ha'/ a nior guy, hisl eaching sk ls suck. Imwas catped in to "trauslate geek o English" foivhrr, and I hink I diomit prettygwell. I walkedain he front door, and hatf an hour,louri she hadpa functioner understanding of the basics of programming, /rom decl ing va>]5050spto som "of he trickier chn0rol state; }ts and loops. Imwould have gone on to teach her functions, but I /iguredythat she'd sharned elough foiv he day, and besodes, Jesse c/m= over, so we pl/yed a game of monopoty. Kailaytosr alm;st instaurly (foiv he first six oivso, uhns, the onty rrotertom/ she l/nded on,werh,alr66by owned by somaone glse =/).,Jesse anonI pl/yed foiva wh e, but atpsomalpo]foodp- oh, ]t was wonderful. We hadplemon ch ckes dumpling/ anom his chow mein ri h d {on in it that was.... well, here islho descrrprion that doespit honor. Itmwas quith,simply,]CurrournMood:" corong>x' srcc/14089996/1statrallax/post" /> Pax' listlessCurrournMusic:" corong>xEl; ric L6bylond (the whole hing)(ers/_par"llax/friends'>Friends][Septe;bhiv21st, 2004="mh>="mr100pa v='http:tope='pd ivejourd { font-weigh 'a href='ht; e='em>12:30 amFriends][L/ww>][ '3535; '>XD (hjol p;st latdr, mtybe)(ers/_par"llax/friends'>Friends][Friends][Septe;bhiv18mily2004="mh>="mr100pa v='http:tope='pd ivejourd { font-weigh 'a href='ht; e='em>01:27 pmFriends][L/ww>][ '3535; '>Let the recorbvso _pal; ....]b. (ers/_par"llax/friends'>Friends][Friends][Septe;bhiv8mily2004="mh>="mr100pa v='http:tope='pd ivejourd { font-weigh 'a href='ht; e='em>02:17 pmFriends][L/ww>][ '3535; '>Buuur,flihs and zebras anonmoonbeams anonfairy toleso herpthan Kri/ (and occasionolly Alex)narh,r66bing this t El=,yIm hink that I should p;st hislheue instead ofvjust emailing her. I'tpybe fitping in he answers oveiv he course of he day, oivmtybemsatdr, bec6< ri h mym/ive qumsrions & yourp/ive answers.1. What's yourp/avorith,ch dhood mjmouy?metpHim. Mtde he trausirion /rom knowing about Him and being aught,about Him to suddenty knowingpHim, being in His presencsonfalling to my k.cesnanonthen lying fele down, trying to press mysitf i2. Three w]s Fs. But this genie isla jerk fele and witpyonty grann one, so theyvbettrr olllbe r66l good.< all things. To belfulry s'kepJesus.3. In yoursopinion, what's he pr,f; setting foiva ro;antic scene?4. What are yourvdreams s'ke?5. If youvknew exa ly,when you'd die, how would youvspeud your sast day?as as best as they c/s. Don't wait to meer God, and don't wait to makepa difference. (ers/_par"llax/friends'>Friends][Friends][August 7mily2004="mh>="mr100pa v='http:tope='pd ivejourd { font-weigh 'a href='ht; e='em>02:57 pmFriends][L/ww>][ '3535; '>"Welcomanhomelybetoved."(ers/_par"llax/friends'>Friends][Juty 28mily2004="mh>="mr100pa v='http:tope='pd ivejourd { font-weigh 'a href='ht; e='em>12:33 amFriends][L/ww>][ '3535; '>Jesus, I am so ]< tove wi h You](ers/_par"llax/friends'>Friends][Friends][Juty 17mily2004="mh>="mr100pa v='http:tope='pd ivejourd { font-weigh 'a href='ht; e='em>03:12 pmFriends][L/ww>][ '3535; '>S fo Lifesibtings?t/ing'pd>Phoenixt/ing'pd>Jamiet/ing'pd>JamesCorint/ing'"mr100paddid> heirmagep:1212105t/ing'"mr100/u50501<]]: Bl { T-shirt and khaki shorts.Saura Cruz.pNo shoespfoivma. Today, at l"ast.]5nt theraof.Frserion. I've been knownyto slipmwhen I'm about o bemeaten by a wave twich,mylh5 .< tove?: Yes< tove: Yes, anomnot just in the past month. pe>]ods just talking ri h her. So, YOU!!(ers/_par"llax/friends'>Friends][Friends][Junh 19mily2004="mh>="mr100pa v='http:tope='pd ivejourd { font-weigh 'a href='ht; e='em>01:03 amFriends][L/ww>][Ohvyeah,"afo,y
(ers/_par"llax/friends'>Friends][Friends][12:32 amFriends][L/ww>][ '3535; '>No mtttrr now =Dcatpedpto any hing. It's myshope that through exposurh, ovva>]ous fields of studyonant the experiencss, hat I have outsode of school, I'tpycomanacross he pa h that He waurspme to follow. or be surh, ovturnain hat assi n; } orvdr'>ayout to Berkeley ant ]nspecrvwhatever opart; }t or fint ano her job foivsoma er ragincome... anomsoma imas,yIm hink that disrractspme from roat's r66lly importa} in life. Wh e atpyof those hings hat I t'sted above are good things,"and should be importa} to me, they c/s't becoma disrractions from God. I should have moue tima alone wi h Him, moue tima when my soul and lipst-ry out in unison, "Imtove You! Oh, God, how I tove You!"ial, and witpypref. What is etdrnal, throughout this sifepand every hing afur, it, is,mylejlarion#hipyri h mymGod, and that not onty should coma first, but must coma first.
CurrournMood:" corong>x' srcc/14089996/1statrallax/post" /> Pax' AnticipatingCurrournMusic:" corong>x"Your Love Oh Lorb" by Third,Day(ers/_par"llax/friends'>Friends][Friends][<< Prev]ous 20 entrrns>][Powerednby ers/_par"llax/friends'>Friends][">L'>FJiends]>]