Nov 03, 2004 16:16
It is a sad day in America today. The people of our nation have been conned into electing George W. Bush to another FOUR YEARS of his lies and corruption. Welcome to the United Divided States of America. For those of you who voted for or supported this deceptive, hypocritical, elitist asshole, shame on you. If your sentiments for this horrible man are sincere, though, I hope you still have the same feelings when:
1) Your son of daughter is born with mental retardation due to Mercury poisoning because Mr. Bush thought that protecting the "sanctity of marriage" was more important than protecting the levels of Mercury in our oceans and seas.
2) You or a loved one is drafted and killed in a war with no purpose other than the better the economical stature of those within the Bush administration (Does Halibertin ring a bell?)
3) Women lose the right to choose when two supreme court justices retire this year and Bush appoints two more conservative judges to the supreme court. And yes, Congress will approve this because Republicans control that, too.
4) Our country suffers another terrorist attack because Bush is too busy diverting the attention of the American people away from the real terrorists with a frivolous war in Iraq
5) Iraq gets fed up with the American Military killing women and children and find a way to fight back...maybe with the recently discovered weapons in Iraq. OCTOBER SURPRISE! Did I mention that these are NOT the weapons of "mass destruction" that Bush had promised and based this whole war on?
6) You can't find a job or afford health insurance because minimum wage, company provided health insurance, and jobs for the American people are not conducive to the growth a large corporation.
7) You get Alzheimers or Parkinsons or heart disease and there is no cure because we could not research embryonic stem cells to find one
8) The failures of the Bush administration directly affects YOU!