(no subject)

Sep 03, 2005 01:10

This is currently my second entry..how exciting!

Last night, sept 1, was sooooo muchhhhh funnnn!!!! :D i went to a green day concert with marina and it was amazing! they went all out, they brought people up on stage to spray water guns at people and to play their instruments, they dedicated when september ends to the vitims of hurrican catrina, they had fire, billy joe masterbated(woo), they wore funky hats, they ended with fireworks, it was insane!!! i love them, they rock. i still have like an adreniline hangover from last night. i have to do one last scream...WOOOOO!!!! ok

Today, yesterday sept 2, is marinas half birthday. happy 16 1/2!!

I went to my brothers first football game of the season for his senior year of college tonight. It was against TCNJ (the college of new jersey) they were in trenton so my dads uncle ray came to the game too. So did my uncle, cousin, and her boyfriend. Muhlenberg won!! 30-13 (kicked butt) congratulations carl!
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