Jul 14, 2005 00:00
wow kay hi!
i'm not dead.. i swear... just busy. kind of.
last week was the annual national dance competition in OC MD! hell yeah baby. it was fun. good times were had. like always. and this year my boyfriend came down : )
his name is keith. he's wonderful. haha : )
uhmm... getting ready for college? not quite... i'm so scared to go to college. i am so NOT ready to leave my friends and family. it'll be sad.
back to last week. had three dances to do friday and saturday. not too shabby. except i started bawling my eyes out after my last dance because well... it was my last dance. possibly forever :\ i'm emotional... shut up. lol but yes we did well. not as good as we thought but... still pretty good.
i really actually dont' have much to say right now. except. it's 12.30 and i'm tired but i'm waiting for the boyfriend to get done work. awesome.
i'm going to leave now. seee yaaa