1) Favorite Song. Like EVER!
Aw man, it's almost impossible for me to answer this question. My favorite song ever changes constantly. But, honestly. one song that I have loved since I was 3 and that has never, ever changed as long as I have lived: "Somewhere Over The Rainbow."
2)What's one thing you've never done sexually, but would like to try?
LOL, girl, I made an entire post about this.
http://www.livejournal.com/users/_paixamour_/342685.html 3) What's one thing sexually you would NEVER try.
I was gonna say anal....but I can't say I would NEVER try that. But, something I would never, ever try is probably rape roleplay. Aryn doesn't fucking think so.
4) You can meet anyone dead or alive and spend 24 hours with them. Who would it be? Why?
Oh man, I want to spend time with Janis Joplin and talk to her about her life, and tell her how inspiring she has been for me. I want to spend time with Martin Luther King Jr. to get his opinions on the state of racial affairs now-a-days. I want to spend time with my great grandmother who's was in teenager in the 1920's! Her teen years were when women got the vote, and skirts were getting shorter and the Charleston was king. I want to learn about what it was like to live back in those days, what the thought about women suffrage and whatnot.
5) What do you think of Harry Potter fanfic and/or slash?
I've honestly never read any of it. I think I'd be ok with it....except Harry/Hermione stuff. I don't understand that. It's over, fuckers. Ron/Hermione won out, as it fucking should be.