-+-The Basics-+-
-Sexual Preference- I like the men.
-+-Your Favorites-+-
-Bands/Artists-AFI, A7X, Refused, The Locust, Atreyu, S.t.u.n., The Smiths, The Cure, and so on..
-Movies-True Romance, The Pianist, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, From Hell
-Books-anything by CD Payne
-Food-anything vegetarian friendly.
-+-Do you-+-
-Abortion-I think that it should be the mothers choice..not the government or their church
-Suicide-I think that there are better ways to solve your problems...suicide is the easy way out.
-War-I use to be Anti War..but we have to do what we have to do.
-Gay Marriages-Im totally for it..all the way..it doesnt matter what sex you are to love someone.
-Self Mutilatioin-I can see why people do it..because it the only pain they can control but i think its stupid
-Current Government-I really like to stay out of the whole political thing..but i really dont like Bush...and not because its trendy to hate him but because I think there are better more qualified people out there to be president.
-What do you like best about yourself-My eyes...and my friendly helping personality
-Why should we accept you-because its the cool thing to do. haha
-What will you bring to this community-Promotion..and honesty
-Anything else you want to add-I <3 that you guys have Paris on the accepted banner and the community icon. I <3 HER!
such a myspace shot..ha.
and an old one.
The end. <33