I hear the sound coming from your mouth, I just don't hear what you're saying

Mar 01, 2010 18:44

One bonus of my epilepsy is that I have the frequent challenge of expressing myself or understanding others when words stop making sense. This doesn't occur all the time but sporadically and with varying intensity during some simple partial seizures. I may know what I meant to write or say but I cannot be certain if the words I've typed or spoken are those I meant to or are even actually words at all. I was amused, after the initial panic, when long ago I was being given instructions in what sounded like Klingon; I think I kept asking "What?" to get the speaker to repeat herself but I cannot guarantee that's the word that came out my mouth.

I have perhaps a dozen or more simple partial seizures a day. I'm glad to know the cause of this dissonanse; when I was younger it was just generally believed I was batshitinsane (in a harmless manner). Mostly I won't notice them; they get lost among all the normal brain-farts we all have. Sometimes, though, something's going on that makes me notice - like playing a video game or trying to write a text. I think I sent a total garbage message earlier. LOL Oh, well, the receiver has read those from me before.
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