Not what I expected. :-(

Aug 14, 2009 20:56

I've had a really busy day, starting with a Rheumatology appointment. I haven't yet had time to emotionally process what I learned... Apparently, my shocked/electrical feelings in my hands and wrists, along with the 'insects biting' feeling in my legs, during this past 18 months is a sign my fibro has been getting worse.

Kind of disappointing. I had been getting better every year since 2004. Now I'm told not these past couple of years (I'm sure the stress of my last household has A LOT to do with this turn for the worse.) I just believed I was over-stressed but being told the bad news has prompted me to look over the past two years - I have been pretty much convincing myself I wasn't getting worse because I NEED to be getting better.

At least I'm still thrilled with my Rheumatologist and his P.A. (who I saw this morning). We changed around some dosing schedules to help me with some of the effects of the prescriptions. Because of my complex medical history, I'll be going slower than usual with titrating up the doses of Lyrica. If my symptoms don't start improving in six weeks, I may be adding and/or switching to another Rx. And I was able to have my Tramadol bumped to "as needed" - round the clock wasn't working for me, particularly when I flared. It is believed we can reverse this recent trend in my fibro.

Nice to know I'm not getting shocked by the laptop and the cell phone, though.

fibro, illness, health

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